Chapter Three - Guests

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So, I would like some feedback and for people to maybe make some suggestions. But if you just want to leave the story to me that's fine too. But I've finally got someone elses' POV! Isn't it a miracle!


Harry's POV:

After Draco left Luna started to get really angry. She wasn't at all pleased with the fact we made Draco leave. Her father also wasn't very happy about this. But Ron simply explained that it was Draco Malfoy and that they had no reason to be mad at us for making him leave.

"Why was he even here?" Ron asked with a hint of rage.

"That's none of your business!" Luna was getting mad. Not something I've ever seen her do which made it frightening.

"Are you two dating or something!?"

"Don't sound so repulsed! I barely know the guy so no, I wouldn't date him. Although I would rather date him than you!"

Ron was seriously offended by this and left completely outraged even though he had no interest in the young blonde. Hermione stayed behind, my guess to talk some sense into Luna. I left after Ron and noticed noises coming from the alley. I followed them thinking it was Ron until I found the forest encircling the town.

I heard more yelling and yelps of pain coming from the direction of the Malfoy's house. I assumed maybe Draco was beating some kid up and ran to help. But when I got there all I saw a beaten Draco Malfoy go in the direction of his house. He had a black eye, broken arm and seemed to be hunched over using the trees for support.

When I saw this I rolled my eyes and went home. My mother was in the kitchen making herself some lunch when she noticed I'd arrived. My mother was a very kind woman with long red hair and emerald eyes like mine. She smiled and asked if I wanted anything. (I know I'm going to get comments saying Lily died, but I mentioned earlier in the fanfic she didn't and that I was going to bring people back.)

"No thanks Mum," I said before heading up to my room. (That's how we spell Mum where I'm from. So, don't correct me and say it's Mom!)

I picked up the newspaper on my bed and skimmed through it for a few minutes. A few Death-Eaters had been caught and Bellatrix Lestrange had apparently escaped police custody. When I saw this my mind went to poor Neville Longbottom. His parents had been murdered by her and a few others when they wouldn't give them the information they wanted. (I know they went mad but work with me!)

I then got a text message from Ginny. She said that Ron wouldn't tell her why he was upset.

'Luna and him got into a fight.' I replied

'Oh. She said something about her house guests having an argument. Who was the other guest?' Ginny wanted to know.


'The one that bullied her and gave her the name Loony Luna?'


'Why on Earth was he at her place!?'

'Don't know. Said it was none of our business.'

'Ugh. I gotta go, Mum's calling for me. Cya.'


I had to think about it but... why was he at her place? And who had beaten him in the middle of the forest? After a while I realised something... both him and Luna already had scares and bruises when we saw them. But why..?

Draco's POV: (I know, back to Draco.)

I heard a tap on the window of my bedroom to Pansy, Blaise and Astoria smiling with a basket. I opened the window and let them in asking them to whisper because my father and Bellatrix were having dinner. They did as told and set the basket down. They soon saw my limp and got worried. (Remember what Bella did.)

"How?" Blaise asked worry clouding his gaze.

"Punishment," I replied. "I didn't clean the house in time."

"Draco..." Pansy started, "did they give you enough time..?"

"Yeah... but I accidentally tripped my father over with the broom..."

Blaise sighed, Pansy got out bandages and Astoria took the stool from my desk. Pansy then started to patch up my leg while Blaise opened the basket they brought. Inside were a few sandwiches and some pumpkin juice. Pansy then finished with my leg and Astoria passed me a sandwich. So, this is what my life has turned out; hiding in my bedroom with my friends whom snuck in food? What a sad existence...

"Well... on a happier note," Pansy blushed. "Things have improved with the mystery girl."

"Do tell," Astoria smirked.

"She... asked me out."

"You go Pansy!" Blaise cheered, "Who is she?"

"I don't want to say. Her friends don't know she likes a girl... let alone me..."

"That's fine," I was really happy for Pansy. "Also, Blaise, remind me again why you like Weasley?"

"Why?" Blaise was confused.

"I was at the Lovegood's earlier and he kicked me out."

"That's, hm... I can't explain... I just, do?"

I heard footsteps and a voice coming up the stairs.  Panic started to course through my veins as I questioned my options. I clearly recognised the voices which wasn't a comfort. I only had one reasonable option which was to hide everyone and everything.

"What is it Draco..?" Astoria questioned.

"They're coming, hide!" I hissed as I put the basket under the bed.

Blaise quickly shoved Pansy and Astoria into the closet with him. My father then opened the door angry.

"Whose in your room?" he asked sternly.


Argh! The cliffhanger! What's gonna happen, I sure don't know. But I would like some feedback on whether you want me to continue writing this or if you want some input. Thank you!

        -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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