Chapter Nine - Weird Woman

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Hi! I forgot to say yesterday, but HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I figured because we might not live in the same time zone that I should wait a bit and forgot to mention it. So, I'm sorry for not saying anything. I won't do any special of some sort but I will wish the best of luck to you for the new year. Enjoy!


Harry's POV:

After my conversation with Blaise, Pansy and Astoria they started acting weird around me. I guess I should've expected this, but I hadn't for some unknown reason. Ginny, Luna and Hermione also started to act strangely in general. Ron, Neville and I just thought it was some woman thing we didn't know anything about or understand.

They disappeared a lot too on the weekends or free periods they had together. After I thought about it I realised something... they were only acting strange after the incident when we found Draco at the Lovegood's home. There couldn't possibly be a relationship, could there, I asked myself.

"Hey mate!" Ron pulled me away from my thoughts, "Right so, the girls just snuck out again. Although I guess it wasn't sneaking. I mean, they're allowed to leave."

"What he means to say is," Neville cut in, "they went out to town. But what's really weird, Parkinson was with them."

"Woman are weird. I'll never understand the way they act."

"Wait," I had an idea, "did you say Parkinson?"

"Yeah why?"

"Ron, we both already know the answer but, when did they start acting weird?"

"You don't seriously think it has something to do with that do you!?"

"When did they start acting weird?" Neville wanted to know.

"Right after we found Malfoy at Luna's house."

"Think about it Ron," I said sternly. "Parkinson's friends with him, He was at Luna's house, Hermione stayed behind, Ginny hasn't said anything negative about any of them since we got back."


"Ron," Neville had gotten more confident over the holidays, "you really can be thick at times."

"Should we follow them?" I suggested.

"Probably at 'The Three Broomsticks'."

"You guys are mental!" Ron replied bitterly, "Bloody hell! Wait for me!"


When we got there not only was it Pansy, Hermione, Ginny and Luna, But Dean and Seamus too. (Deamus squad!) They were all holding hands in pairs; Pansy and Hermione, Ginny and Luna and Dean and Seamus. It was a strange sight to find them all laughing and enjoying their food together. But I guess it wasn't the worst thing we could've caught them doing.

Ron looked shocked when he saw the linked hands while Neville didn't seem all that surprised. Were they dating or somethig? It would explain why they were all acting weird or strange. Ron soon looked at Neville and I signalling us to go with him and leave.

"Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed once we were out of earshot, "'Mione's lost her mind!"

"I don't think it's that bad." Neville argued, "Maybe they got to know each other since their roommates and all."

"Harry, you agree with me right?"

"I think she saw something in Parkinson we didn't," I replied calmly. "Maybe she's not all that bad."

"Now you two have lost it!"

"It's getting late," Neville stated, "we should head back."

"You're probably right," I asnwered. 

Neville and I left with our heads swimming with questions. Ron, stayed stationary stunned by our reactions and didn't move for a while. Of course I didn't understand Hermione's liking of Pansy, but I had no right to judge her for liking the girl. 


I know it's a short chapter, and the next few might be around the same length, but I didn't know how else to write my idea down. You won't get multiple chapters like yesterday unless I get more ideas. Please check out my other works as I have three including this one. Thank you!

       -Turtlefreakakw2 <3

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