Chapter Twenty-Five - The Watcher

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Hi! So, I've chosen which one of you will be the guest character. Seeing as only one person commented, but even if someone else does comment I'm choosing them because they were the first. His chapter won't include them yet, but Neville's going to join the group and help with the whole run away thing. Enjoy!


Neville's POV:

I walked up to Astoria because she was the first of the supposedly 'kidnapped' that I saw. She seemed happy at my arrival, but I had business that needed attending to. I cut straight to the chase and asked if she had really been kidnapped, but she just looked at me stunned. She then turned nervous and stammered.

"Wh-What gave you th-at idea?" She stuttered.

"I overheard some people in the bathroom," I replied.

"What did they say?"

"That you hadn't been taken by anyone. And that they planned on telling everyone on Halloween."

"Wait ... WHAT!? No, they can't ... that would ruin everything..."

"Could you please elaborate on exactly what this is ruining? And what kind of attention seeker would pull a stunt like this!?"

"We weren't seeking attention - we were running from something, I can't explain everything, I'd need everyone else."

"Well please, get the band together and explain just what it is you were 'running' from."

"Let me find them first."

And with that, Astoria went off to find her friends leaving me fuming and confused at the same time. I wasn't sure if I could trust them, but it was clear they were scared and needed me to understand. Whether I wanted to understand wasn't even a question. I usually tried to see the good in every situation, but I just couldn't understand why someone would do this.


Hermione's POV:

When Astoria came to Pansy and I out of breath and panting I was more than a little confused. But then she explained that Neville knew they hadn't been kidnapped and explained that someone was going to expose them. Pansy started hyperventilating and I had to calm her down and then we set off to find the others. I found Ron and Blaise in their dorm, and Pansy found Harry and Draco in theirs.

We then went to find Luna, Ginny and Astoria already with a frustrated Neville Longbottom. He seemed even more confused by the number of people. But Harry decided he'd start explaining what had happened and Draco was trying to not to have a panic attack. Ron and Ginny were trying to calm Blaise down and Luna placed a comforting hand on Astoria's shoulder.

"So, it started when I went to help Draco -"

"Kidnap," Draco interrupted Harry.

"I did not kidnap you!"

"Last time I checked, I blacked out and woke up in someone else's house."

"That's - whatever, anyway, I helped Draco and brought him to my house because Lucius was being an abusive father. He then reported Draco missing which completely threw us for a loop, and he wasn't allowed to leave the house -"

"See! Kidnapped!"

"Oh my God!"

"Would you stop!" Ginny exclaimed, "You sound like an old married couple!"

"Wh-What, no!"

"So, after they told us, we made a plan to help Pansy, Blaise and Astoria escape their abusive families -"

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