Cast of Characters/A.N.

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Rachel Berry! (Played by Lea Michele)

Rachel Berry! (Played by Lea Michele)

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Finn Hudson! (Played by Cory Monteith)

Finn Hudson! (Played by Cory Monteith)

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Jesse St. James! (Played by Jonathan Groff)

 James! (Played by Jonathan Groff)

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Blaire Berry-James! (Played by Everleigh Soutas)

Blaire Berry-James! (Played by Everleigh Soutas)

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Shelby Berry-James! (Played by Evie Gardner)

Shelby Berry-James! (Played by Evie Gardner)

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This book is purely my imagination. Finn, Rachel, and Jesse are property of Glee. Shelby and Blaire are my own messed up ideas.

I thought of this idea myself, and if I accidentally copied someone else's, let me know. If you would like to use my idea, DM me and we'll talk. I don't bite.

Update Schedule:

As of 12/25/19, this story will be updated on Wednesdays and Fridays, probably late at night.

Started: 12/25/19

Completed: June 20, 2020

Facts About The Story

This story is a Finchel AU. Rachel married Jesse, and they had two children together: Shelby and Blaire. Rachel dies, and meets Finn in heaven.

Facts About the Author

Without giving too much away, I'm a twelve year old with a lot of other stories out right now: Phases (completed), More Than Friends (the sequel), Riverdale Ships One Shots, Sprousehart and Charmila Texts, and What If. I've recently become obsessed with Glee, so this is how I deal with my problem: Writing a fanfic about it. Kurt is baby, fight me.


Shout-out to @Noslimeyboi for writing part of the second chapter.

Later loves,


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