Chapter 11

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Quick A/N prior to us beginning: This is a Jarley chapter, but it's one of the few. After this one, it's majority Finchel.


Marley POV

I cannot believe this. Jake Puckerman and I die the same day, and end up in the same place. I was never a religious person, but this, or so I've been told, is Heaven. And now Jake wants to talk to me. I haven't wanted to talk to him for the past ten years, why now? He cheated on me and broke my heart. There's nothing else to say. I didn't get married or anything, and as far as I know, neither did he.

"Look, Marls," he starts before I interrupt him.

"When you and Bree did the devil's tango, you forfitted all rights to calling me Marls, and my heart. Just to make sure we're clear," I snap, and he steps back. We were already an almost uncomfortable distance from each other, this just magnified it.

"Look, Marley," Jake emphasizes the Marley, "I screwed up, bad. I know I did, cheating on you to keep whatever was left of my reputation. But you were the only one in that club half the time who I felt like I could talk to. And you were the only one who I committed to, partially because I was afraid of getting the crap beaten out of me by Ryder and Kitty, but mainly because I knew that you were special. After we broke up, I lost my way, I'll admit it, but I'm not the same person who cheated on you ten years ago. I've been trying to talk to you for the past five years, and you've been ignoring me."

"What do you want, Jake?" I sigh, aggarvated. He isn't even telling me anything I don't know.

"To tell you that I still love you," he admits, moving forward a few steps.

He still loves me? After all these years, he still does. I'm not sure if I ever got over him, now that I think about it. I dated 10, 15 guys, and they were all over within a month. None of those relationships stuck, because something wasn't right. With Jake, it never felt like that, until he cheated.

"I swear to God, if you are kidding me, I will slap you into humanity," I threaten, trying out to figure out my feelings.

"I don't intend on lying, Marley. That's why I told you that. I want to give us another chance. I know I messed up big last time, but I promise not to do that again. I don't want to break your heart ever again. Can we start over?" Jake asks, and I move a few steps closer to him.

"Let me make sure I know what you're saying here: You want to get back together and promise not to break my heart?" I inquire, smirking.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying," he nods nervously, and I chuckle.

"Sure. I got some free time now that I'm dead," I smile.


Not sure what to think of this

Later loves,


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