Chapter 20

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Rachel POV

It's been four days since Kitty came over, claiming that soon, Artie would be joining us, but he still hasn't. Of course, that hasn't stopped Finn and I from our task at hand: baby making.

Today, however, I wake up feeling like something is something is going to happen today, but I'm not sure what. It'll be good news, whatever happens, though.  I'm sure of it.

Well, I don't have much time for these thoughts; today, Marley and Jake are coming over with Kitty. The three of them have been hanging out a lot lately, with Kitty prepping things for Artie coming and everything. Plus, I've been told that it's no fun to third wheel Finchel. Apparently we're too comfortable with PDA.

But first, before anything else: Time for the hardest thing ever, waking up my husband. This man won't wake up unless I drag him out of bed some days.

"Babe, wake up. It's nine," I gently shake him, to no avail. "Babe."

Ten minutes later, and I haven't got a single response. He must be in really deep sleep. Time for the big guns.

I tickle under his armpits, and he chuckles in his sleep. He's waking up, a little.

"Babe, wake up," I keep tickling him until he finally opens his eyes and flashes that trademark Finn early half smile.

"Alright, alright, I'm up. Breathe. It's not like you can die twice," his voice has that not awake yet rasp that it always does in the mornings.

"Exactly, which is why I wanted to tell you that I think today something great is going to happen! It's a vibe I got when I woke up, and I think Artie's going to die today!" I squeal, and he just chuckles, pulling me back under the covers to snuggle with him.

"You do realize that if we were still alive, that would sound psychopathic, right?" Finn asks and I just smile.

"Of course I do, but we're dead now, so it's fine!" He chuckles again, pulling me into his side and placing a quick kiss on my head.

After about ten minutes of this, I decide that I should really savor these moments and days, where no one has to do anything that involves leaving the house and where my husband and I can just stay in bed all day, doing nothing but cuddling and kissing sweetly.

Then I remember that Jake and Marley are coming over. "Finny, Jake and Marley are coming over today," I groan, and he just rolls his eyes in response.

"Are you sure, Rach? Check your phone, maybe they canceled," he advises and so I do, delighted by the message.

"Yep, they've been recruited by Kit to do something," I smile from ear to ear, snuggling back into his arm.

"That's good for us, because I don't know about you, but I don't want to leave this room all day," he smiles down at me, kissing my lips sweetly.

"What up y'all?!" An all too familiar voice suddenly shouts, breaking into our house. But that's not the point.

"Artie!" I shout, smiling. Finn's smile only grows wider too and we both hop off the bed and run into the living room.

"I'm dead now, so point me towards the bar!" He shouts, smiling. Well, some things never change.

"It's good to know that some things never change," Marley sighs and Artie makes eyes at Finn and I, and her and Jake.

"Speaking of which, I need context here," Artie looks between both couples, and Finn and I start our explanation first.

"We got back together and we're married and trying for a kid," I say, and Kitty squeals excitedly.

"Oh my God, Rachel, you never told me you were trying for a tiny Finchel! Oh my God, that kid would be so cute!" She squeals, and Artie just laughs lovingly.

"Jake and I are taking things much slower than they are, and we're dating again. With no shitbag Ryder or Bree to mess things up this time," Marley explains, smiling.

"And what about you two?" Finn asks Kitty and Artie, who both blush.

"Well, wife, you still love me?" Artie asks and she smiles.

"Of course I do, husband. Now, come on, I have a surprise waiting for you, and it involves an entire bar rented out for us," Kitty sits on Artie's wheelchair, and it's like nothing ever happened between them.

"Who's more in sync, us or them?" I joke and Finn puts his arm around me.

"Us, clearly. We are the best couple," he declares and we walk out the door, following them.


I'm going to be single for Valentine's Day so chars_secrets suggested I go see Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) movie in theaters and now I just have to convince someone to go with me. And my dad to take me.

Later loves,


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