Chapter 19

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Rachel POV

Finn and I went back home, looking in awe of the way that our home was now decorated. It was beautiful.

"Like the new decorations, babe?" Finn asks, lying down on our new couch.

"Of course I do, it's gorgeous," I reply, lying on top of him.

"Rach, Finn, I let myself in- oh shit, I didn't realize this was happening. I'll leave. Bye," Kitty shields her eyes and I get off of my hot husband.

"Kit, nothing's happening. Besides talking about the decor, of course. We're doing that," I run over to her and drag her back into the house.

She looks skeptical, and so does Finn. But we have six months to make a kid, it's fine. "Come on, sit down. We don't bite," I gesture to the seat next to me, and she sits down.

"So, do you two know what year it is on Earth?" Kitty asks excitedly, clapping her hands together. Holy hell, she never does that.

"The year where Donald Trump rots in Hell with Jesse?" I ask hopefully.

"What? No, weirdo. It's the year where Artie dies! And he's coming up here, with full usage of his legs!" Kitty smiles widely, ear to ear. I haven't seen her this happy since... It's been such a long time, I don't know when. Maybe ber wedding day.

"So, did he move on? Or just stay single, not ready to date again after you?" Finn asks thoughtfully.

"I don't know, I'm not a stalker, Finn, unlike you. I hope he still loves me. It's been seven years on Earth, what if he's realized he's gay? Or that he doesn't love me and loves Tina?" I gently rub her back to calm her down, not wanting to deal with a panic attack on my living room floor.

"Hon, you know he loves you. It may have been seven years to him, but do you ever feel a pang in your heart? Or a tether being pulled, like he's holding on for dear life?" Kitty nods sadly. "That's when he thinks of you, of how much he loves you and misses you. Trust me," Finn assures her, tearing up.

"Is that how you felt when you were up here and I wasn't?" I ask, and Finn nods sadly. "Oh babe." I envelope him in a hug while we all softly cry.

"Look, no more tears, okay? My husband will be up here in a little while, and I don't want him to see me crying."


I kinda want to actually schedule this for an actual day. Maybe when What If ends.

Later loves,


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