Chapter 30

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It's finally the day for the first doctor's appointment! I'm so excited; Kitty and Marley have theirs today as well, so we're all going to be in the room together, along with our husbands.

"Babe, come on! We're going to be late," I complain from the kitchen, throwing on my black booties and anxiously braiding my hair. Bad habit, but what if something's wrong with the baby?

Finn walks into the kitchen, ready to go, and sees me braiding my hair. "Hey, hey, hey, everything's going to be okay with the baby. You haven't randomly started bleeding down there, right?"

Chuckling, I reply, "No, I haven't gotten my period. I'm just worried that something's going to be wrong."

With that, he gives me a quick kiss and embraces me for a hug to comfort me. "We won't know anything until the appointment. And I don't know what's happening there, since I haven't knocked anyone up, besides you."

"How romantic," I laugh, taking his hand and walking outside.

The beautiful sunshine outside today makes me smile, even though I have been inside shopping all week. We hop into the truck, listening to Finn's playlist instead of mine for a change. It takes about ten minutes to get to the hospital, and Kitty's appointment is in about fifteen minutes, so we have to rush against traffic.

My anxieties get the best of me, with my worry over whether the baby's healthy or not. A familiar feeling of nausea envelopes my body. "Finn, stop the truck." Even though it's not fully stopped yet, I get out of the truck and throw up along the side of the road, probably my lunch and breakfast from today, since I previously hadn't thrown up today.

He massages my back and pulls my hair into a ponytail to prevent vomit from getting there. Thank God it didn't get on my clothes. "It'll be okay, babe, we're going to the doctor soon."

The disgusting feeling of vomiting is now more powerful than the nausea that disappeared. I just walk back into the truck and try to pretend that didn't happen. "Where's the gum?"

"Console. It's peppermint, spearmint, and classic bubble," he tells me, starting the truck again so we can continue on our way to the hospital.

By the time we get there, I don't feel the slightest bit nauseous anymore and honestly feel pretty good. "Breath check." A quick peck is all it takes and he nods. No more gross vomit smell.

We walk into the maternity ward and I get attacked with hugs from the girls. "I thought you got sick or something and were abandoning me!" Kitty exclaims.

"Never, Kit. It was just a little morning sickness. I'm feeling fine now, don't worry." I assure them, and they detect the smell of gum on my breath.

"Rach, give me the gum," Marley demands in her striped sweater and jeans.

I chuckle and give the girls the packet of gum for them.


I somewhat understand drama now.

Later loves,


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