Chapter 36

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It's concerning how much you can buy for a nursery in a total of three hours at a baby store, just for decorations and clothes. It barely fits into my trunk, which is big. That reminds me, I'm going to need a new car because mine isn't a kid friendly one. The car will also need a huge trunk. It can't be a minivan though, just because those are ugly.

Maybe I should do something other than spending s thousand dollars on baby stuff today, something productive. I could but maternity clothes. You know what, I'm going to buy maternity clothes because now I'm starting to show.

Just as I decide what to do, Finn calls me. "Hey babe, what's up?"

"Come home," he says quickly.

Alarm bells start going off in my head, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, but just come home. I miss you," he hangs up. Ass. A cute ass, but still an ass.

I'm only a couple of minutes away from home, so I drive back as quick as I can without breaking the law or getting killed. It's an art I have perfected.

Pulling into the driveway, I don't see anything too odd. There's a car there, but that's probably nothing weird, just a new car from one of the boys or girls.

I walk up to the door, which is locked for some reason. Weird, we almost never lock the door. It takes a total of seven minutes for me to find my house key, so clearly, I need a new one. Or maybe I'm going crazy, I have no clue.

Walking in, I don't notice anything too weird. There's a few new things, but nothing too terrible or exciting. "Finn? I'm home!"

"Hey, Rach. How ya doin'?" Santana emerges from the kitchen, scaring me.

Oh my God, I can't believe that she's here! "Santana! How'd you die?" I ask, giving her a hug out of excitement.

She chuckles, "I may or may not have been in a fight at the wrong place and some idiots decided to not call someone when I fell to the ground. Haunted them for a little while, as I plan to continue doing for a few years, but yeah, I'm good."

The kids! "How are Blaire and Shelby? I mean, they've dealt with so much already in their lives."

"The girls are doing as well as to be expected. Blaire is still sassy and sarcastic. She got into a few fights, but nothing too terrible or that wasn't deserved. Shelby's been good, she's quiet and very underestimated. They're both becoming influencers now, a sister duo taking the internet by storm. I swear, you wouldn't recognize them, they've changed so much. My God, Blaire even has a husband! She's pregnant. They got married a couple years ago, so she'd have to be 22. Shelby has a girlfriend, she's bi."

"God, I missed so much! You look great, what's been happening with you?" I smile sadly. It hurts that I'm missing out on their lives but they're okay, which might hurt more.

Santana smiles, "I, surprisingly, became an actress. Not Broadway, that's your thing, but on TV and shit. Released an album, nothing too bad."

"Hey babe," Finn comes from the stairs and gives me a quick head kiss before grabbing ice cream and heading up to bed, mood of the year.

"Anyways, I couldn't have missed much. You and Jolly Green Giant are still together, how shocking. You're pregnant, very pregnant at that. I wasn't expecting that, but I'm happy for you! What's the gender?" She asks, smiling.

"There's two girls, one boy in here. Lexi Harper, Savannah Mackenzie, and Logan Isaac," I respond, putting a hand on my belly, which reminds me. "I need to go maternity shopping, you want to come with? Kitty and Marley will be there too, but nothing too exciting."

She rolls her eyes, "I hate Kitty. She gave Marley an eating disorder back when Brody was harassing you."

"Is that the one I beat up?" Finn asks, coming back downstairs. "Thanks for telling me that, by the way. I didn't really want to know my girlfriend was being harassed but also wanted to know."

I chuckle, "Yep, that's the one with the sharp face you beat up for me, my hero."

"I am a hero, you're right."


I hate Shonda Rhimes and also love Grey's Anatomy but also hate it.

It's like Glee but worse of a relationship.

Later loves,


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