Chapter 35

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Back to Finchel, people.


The girls have already decided nursery themes and everything, but I haven't even picked a name for one of the kids. Finn and I have to get on that, and fast. In a month and a half, since I'm likely to have to have kids in the NICU for a solid week, at least, according to the OB.

"Hey, you ready to eat?" Finn asks, coming into our room, where I'm frantically poring over a website of baby names.

I stick my phone in his face, "No, I can't eat! We need to pick names and nursery themes and plan a shower and get clothes and baby proof the house and everything else and we only have a month, but I'll probably do it in a week because I'm freaking out over this.

He cautiously takes the phone from my hand, shutting it off. "Alright, let's start with one thing at a time. Names first. What's one of the combinations you like for a boy?"

"Logan Isaac Hudson-Berry. I know, he'll have a super long last name, but I think it's so cute." I smile at the sound of the name. One of the babies kicks at that moment- I think it's him. They've been kicking for a week at this point. It's a game for them, who can kick Mommy harder? He's losing, so clearly, his sisters are the ones who will punch each other.

Finn smiles his agreement, "I like that one. He sounds like a kid who would play football, so that could be the nursery theme."

"You just want a football player so you know how to talk to him, Hudson," I reply, smirking.

"Let him continue my legacy," he smiles.

Now for the girls. "What's your name combo for a girl?"

"Lexi Harper Hudson-Berry. The nursery theme could be butterflies. And she'll have your voice to sing, and my dance skills."

"Oh God, let's hope she doesn't get that. Or my nose," I say, somewhat scared of the fact that could happen.

He chuckles sadly, "You have a very cute nose, babe. Our kids will be perfect."

"True. Also, Lexi Harper is the best name for the one that's kicking me. She's gonna be a gymnast."

"Alright, what were you thinking for the other girl?" Finn asks me, smiling widely.

I smile back, "Savannah Mackenzie Hudson-Berry. It's a long ass name, but it's very pretty."

"That was mine too," Finn kisses me on the top of my head.

"And she could have a musical themed nursery because she's my kid," I think aloud, receiving a chuckle of agreement from Finn.

"That's what I thought. So, shall we go eat now?" He smiles, clearly hungry.



Avery helped me pick all of these names. Thanks my enby.

Later loves,


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