Chapter 10

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Rachel POV

"Miss Berry and Mr Hudson, good to see you again. I do hope you find death enjoyable. I bet you're wondering why there is a wedding ring and wedding gown here right now, along with a tuxedo," Something says, and we both nod in confusion.

"Well, you see, since you have been reunited for a month now, we have decided that it is time for you two to get married," It continues and I faint into Finn's arms.

Finn POV

At the news that Rachel and I were getting married today, she passed out. I knew that there was only one song that would awaken her after this, and played it. It was "Faithfully", which we deemed was our song Sophmore year.

I was very confused at the news I was going to be a married man in less than an hour, but I didn't even get to propose! I think that's what made me the most mad, that I wasn't going to be able to propose to her. I knew that Rachel was the one, but it was still weird.

"What the hell? Why do you get to pick when I marry the most perfect girl in the world, Thing? I'm supposed to do that. Isn't that how it works?" I shout angrily, looking for a chair to kick.

"Because, Mr. Hudson, I have the knowledge of the universe in the palm of my hand. You two will get married today, and have children, and when your friends die, you can all have a vow renewal together," it patiently replies, and I roll my eyes.

Rachel, however, has awoken, and she's blinking her eyes rapidly. Whenever she wakes up, she does this. It's one of the adorable things about her.

"I'm sorry, are you saying that today is my wedding day and that I'm wearing THAT dress?" Rach asks, eyes widening in horror.

"The dress will be made perfect when you put it on, along with all of the details. In fact, since your friends on Earth are asleep, they will appear to be a part of your wedding ceremony," whatever that thing is says, and I roll my eyes.

"I guess we don't have a choice then," Rachel sighs, and we go to our separate dressing areas. This is not happening, I am not getting married today.

I love Rachel with every fiber of my being, and I do want to marry her and have children with her, but this is all happening so fast.

Rachel POV

"This is not happening, this is not happening, I am not getting married today," I keep thinking, even though I am, most certainly. There's no doubt.

I step into the horrendous dress and it instantly turns into the most beautiful outfit, complete with makeup and shoes, ever.

Finn is my soulmate, even if I don't believe in them, and I do want to marry him and start a family with him, but this is all happening so fast.

No one POV

The ombre haired Rachel Berry walks down the aisle to meet her groom, Finn Hudson, at the altar in which they will get married.

Finn can't keep his eyes off of her, and his mouth drops when he sees her. She is the most beautiful thing to ever exist, and he's not exaggerating when he thinks that.

She blushes slightly when she sees that he's staring at her, finishing her walk.

"Dearly dead, we are gathered here today to join the souls of Rachel Barbara Berry and Finn Christopher Hudson in matrimony. I will skip the boring stuff we normally say in these things and let these two lovebirds tell you why they are getting married," a priest says, much to Rachel's disgust.

"Well, Rach, it wasn't my idea for us to get married today, but that doesn't stop me from loving you so much it hurts sometimes. You are the only one who believed in me when I didn't even believe in myself. I know that we have had our ups and downs, but you always wanted the best for me, and I want you to be happy eternally. I'm incredibly thankful for Glee Club, because without it, I would never have met you, and if we never met, I'd probably be in a loveless marriage with Quinn, raising Puck's kid. You saved me from myself when I needed it most. Someone asked me what the best thing to ever happen to me was, and I said that it was you. I was informed by Puck that I was whipped, but I didn't care.  I'll always love you, and protect you. You build me back up, complete me, and have my heart. I cannot imagine my life without you in it, and I am so happy that life has brought us together again. I'm forever yours," Finn smiles at his bride, the pair unable to take their eyes off of each other.

There are tears developing in Rachel's eyes, real ones. She never in her wildest dreams thought that this would be her life, but she's very happy it is.

"Finn, I didn't think that we would be getting married today either, but I'm happy that we are. You are the love of my life, and I don't want to spend another day without you as my husband. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. Before you, I was just a lonely, friendless Jewish girl with big dreams of making it on Broadway, getting bullied by almost everyone. And then you joined Glee. I had a massive crush on you, but never the guts to tell you. When you joined Glee, you helped change me. I was less selfish, less uptight, less annoying. Or so I was informed by Santana. When we started dating, I didn't care anymore that people were judging me, or that we were getting slushied. I had the only thing that mattered: You. And nothing else mattered, because I was in love. You took a hit on your reputation for dating me, but you didn't care about that. Whenever I was even lightly made fun of, you would defend me. You know everything about me, and I know everything about you. I love you. I'm forever yours," Rachel smiles at Finn, who wants badly to kiss her.

"Do we have any objections to this marriage?" The priest asks, his presence aggarvating Rachel.

"I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. Enjoy your death!" The priest exclaims joyously, walking away.

The pair share a magical kiss, and smile widely when it's over.

"Well, Mrs. Hudson-Berry, shall we go tell everyone and celebrate?" Finn asks his wife, smiling.

"We shall, Mr. Hudson-Berry," Rachel smiles at her husband.


They're so uwu.

Later loves,


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