Chapter 27

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Rachel POV

It's great being pregnant so far since I've had no morni-

A wave of nausea comes over me at 4 in the morning, so I run out of bed and to the en suite bathroom's sink, where I throw up. Some people throw up in toilets, but that makes me feel worse than just plain throwing up does because of the smell.

I feel someone pulling back my hair and realize that I must have woken up Finn. "Morning sickness, babe?"

"Yeah, sadly. This is the worst. Sorry I woke you up," I apologize, feeling as though I'm going to throw up again. So, turns out, being pregnant, it's still hard when you're dead. Dear God, this is the worst.

"Don't apologize, Rach. You can't control your morning sickness. It's not your fault," Finn reassures me, placing a light kiss on my head. He's so understanding about this, it's amazing.

I wonder if he acted like this when Quinn stayed at his house, back when she was pregnant with Beth but everyone thought Beth was Finn's. That's not a good thought. After all, I thought I'd gotten over my whole jealous of Quinn thing for a couple decades now. She was one of my best friends back when I was not dead.

"How did you get so good at comforting a pregnant woman, Finn?" I ask in a nonchalant tone.

He frowns a bit before saying, "This is going to sound really weird and I don't want you to judge me, but when we were alive and you were in New York and I was in Lima, I hung out with some babies at the hospital. They just brought a smile to my face, because even though you couldn't be there, some of them looked like you."

"So you didn't help Quinn?" I ask, tone still nonchalant. He can clearly detect the doubt in my voice, because he's Finn and knows me better than I know myself sometimes.

"Are you jealous of Quinn? Because I'm your husband, not hers. But no, Quinn didn't have much morning sickness so I didn't help her. I was a dick. Not as bad as Puck was, but close," Finn says, trying to remind me. But I guess even being married doesn't mean that stuff just goes away. It went away before, when we were in high school and stuff, why is it here now?

I nod before throwing the rest of my stomach's contents in the sink. Apparently, my nod was very unconvincing, because he turns me around and says, "I know this won't help you get over your anxiety about this, but I'm whipped. Look, I haven't spoken to Quinn in over a decade, mainly because I'm dead, but still. I love you. And I'm not leaving you for a single thing, okay? Nothing could get me to leave you or cheat on you or anything horrible like that."

"You. Are. Perfect," I give him a quick kiss before pulling away since I smell like barf. "I'd give you a proper kiss but I smell and probably taste like vomit."

"Well, you'll have to fix that then, won't you?"  Finn smiles, pecking me on the head. "You cool if I go back to sleep?"

"Yeah, of course. Night love," I smile, giving him a hug.



Ugh I have to start online school tomorrow.

Later loves,


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