Chapter 40

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*time skip*

Wow, the triplets are now officially a month old. Tomorrow, they're able to graduate the NICU and come home. I'm excited and terrified about it, because I know how it'll happen but I'm also not sure I can handle three preemies all the time; they're loud, very loud.

Kitty went into labor yesterday with Carter Elijah, and he is beautiful. He's even got a full head of blonde hair, the lucky kid. She had a c-section though, so she's still recovering in the hospital with Artie there. We visited yesterday after visiting the triplets and it was a party in there; even Santana was there and she hates Kitty. They're on slightly better terms now, though.

Marley's due any day now, and she's anxiously awaiting Sabrina Nicole to grace us with her presence. Jake, according to her, has barely finished the nursery because he's been helping Finn and Artie out so much.

Another one of our friends is supposed to die today, but we've got no clue who. The thing that controls all this didn't tell us for some reason.

"Oh my God, Rachel, why did you hook these defenseless babies to these machines that will clearly injure them?" Brittany exclaims when she walks into the NICU that day. She died a couple of weeks ago, so in Earth time, it was about one or two years ago.

Britt has been in here at least three times already, but seems to forget the reasoning. "Because, Brittany, they need them, just for today, to survive. Tomorrow, we'll get to bring them home and then you can hang out with them- without Lord Tubbington, of course," Finn answers instead of me since we take turns picking the day we answer one of Brittany's statements.

We decide to go home early, giving all of the triplets a good finger squeeze; they've got to stay there for only a few more hours.

Santana, Brittany, and Marley join Finn and I because Jake's still finishing the nursery and Marley knows she'll have to put the finishing touches on later.

The ride home is full of discussion about Sabrina and our friend who's died. I have an inkling it's going to be a pair of them, because that's just how it seems to work around here.

Sure enough, there's a car in the driveway we don't recognize when we pull in, so after getting out of the car, I rush to open the door that I don't lock because I don't feel like it. "Hello?" I call out.

"Rachel!" Kurt shouts, walking oddly fast to the door. "How is my favorite sister-in-law?"

I smile and hug my best gay; we all need one in our lives. "How'd you know I'm your sister-in-law?"

"There's sports related things and a nursery dedicated to football. I don't think you even know how to but sports related decor," he says completely seriously. God, Kurt hasn't aged a bit. 

Santana walks in and he smiles, "Hello, Satan. How have you and Brittany been?"

"Pretty good, Kurt," Santana smiles, giving him a hug. She missed him, I can tell.


Wow, the triplets are five today. It's crazy to me; it feels like just yesterday, they were graduating the NICU.

Lexi Harper has somehow become the healthiest of the triplets, never sick. It's crazy. She's very much into soccer, and says she's going to be a professional soccer star when she grows up. This week, she is insisting we call her Lex Luthor because she watched a Superman movie. Her dark brown curls and beautiful green eyes are so cute, and always being used.

"Savannah, no backflips into the pool!" I shout when I see my other daughter trying to do that. She's a gymnast, and a good one at that. Annie's definitely a handful; she reminds me of Blaire because she won't listen to what anyone has to say and does whatever she wants. Ever since she was one, she has looked more and more like Blaire, so that's interesting. Thank God for sports, otherwise I wouldn't make it. At least she hasn't started fighting yet.

Logan has decided that he's a superhero; his dirty blonde hair in a mohawk because he wanted his hair to be like Puck's. Puck died when the kids were two, so they've basically always had him in their lives. "Mommy," he asks, smiling sweetly, "can I go into the trampoline room with my friends?"

I nod my agreement at my only son, who's very tall for a five year old. "Hey, Rach, where's the cakes?"  Quinn asks, coming out from the house. She died when the kids were one.

"In the hidden area," I answer, smiling at their kid, Peter, who's three. He's best friends with Carter, but is dating Sabrina. As you can tell, Jake's very happy about that. Puck was able to talk him down, thankfully.

Santana, with her glass of wine, shouts, "Lady Hummel, can you come gossip with me?"

Kurt, rolling his eyes, kisses Blaine on the cheek and goes over to Santana. Blaine died on Peter's first birthday.

Finn, with Puck, Jake, Artie, and Sam, is cooking for this party, so we're having burgers, hot dogs, steaks, grilled chicken, and kielbasa. Sam and Mercedes died a couple weeks ago, they were the last of us to die.

Blaire, smiling with some of her friends and her husband, walks over to me. "Hey Mom, what would you think if I was pregnant?"

"I'd think that if you're telling me, you're keeping it and that you need to tell your siblings and Dad," I inform her. Blaire started calling Finn "Dad" a couple weeks after she died, which happened about a year and a half ago.

Alexander, my youngest, toddles over to me, "Momma! Hot dog!" He's two years old now, and very loud.

Chuckling, Kitty responds to him, "You need to go talk to Dada about hot dogs, honey." She may not be his mom, but our kids basically see us as other parents at this point. With that, Alex toddles to the grill.

"Blaire is having a baby?" Annie screams excitedly. "Does this mean I'm going to be an auntie?" Annie was the first to accept that Blaire was her sister; Logan and Lexi took longer to come around to the idea.

At the mention that Blaire's pregnant, Finn's head turns to her, "Pregnant? Why didn't you tell me first, Blaire?"

"I was going to, Dad, but then Miss Savannah Mackenzie here had to ruin the surprise," Blaire picks up her very wet sister, smiling. "You can't keep a secret, can you, Annie?"

Savannah just nods at that statement. "We have to tell Haidin!" Haidin Rose is four, and the only other one of my clan. She's a very quiet, resembling Shelby kid. Shelby is still alive as far as I know, but the resemblance is uncanny.

"Honey, Haidin heard you, I promise. Now, go back into the pool. I'm going to go play in a little while," Blaire smiles, putting down her sister.

Logan and Lexi come outside, clapping happily. "Mommy, did you know there's a baby in Blaire's belly?' Lexi asks.

"Yes, I did. Why don't you two go play with your friends now?" I respond, smiling at my oldest babies. Those two are definitely a typical sibling relationship, as opposed to Annie and Logan, who are best friends and love playing together. Lexi and Annie are definitely best friends too, but not as close.

Marley's kid, Neveah, walks over to us. "Mommy, how are babies made?" Neveah's three now, so she asks these questions all the time.

"That's a question for Daddy," Marley responds, an expression of horror on her face.

You know what, this really is heaven.


Well, goodbye my lovely readers. I will not be writing a sequel to this book, or another Glee-related book for a bit, but I hope you enjoyed.

See you again loves,


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