Longshot (2019)

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This is a pretty harmless rom-com with some interesting political and power related insights.

Possibly the most intriguing thing for me was watching this and deciding that Charlize Theron and Scarlett Johansson look really similar. Google Images does not seem to really agree on this issue, so maybe it is just me. People talk about this Seth guy a lot, but I really don't feel I've seen him in much before this.

The premise is simple, chick running for President hooks back up with kid she used to babysit, now a grownish man. She's the cashing in chips on poise and elegance, he's wearing parachute jackets from the 80s. Fashion crossed lovers. There are some pretty funny gags. The ending goes far enough to justify the ongoing strand of female empowerment... that is to say it goes beyond the basic ending to a rom-com. It does however gloss over the reality of the steps that might have needed to happen to get to that next level ending. Which is probably for the best.

There are some interesting takes on politics in here, including the scene I love to imagine but that doesn't get airtime much. You know, when the best friends suddenly realise they don't vote the same way? I thought that was very well done, because it's always an interesting experience in real life, and it's nice to see it put on screen.

Overall, I felt this was kind of mashing a lot of keys, from pure-rom-com, presidential fairytale, gross-out comedy, goof-ball comedy, stoner comedy, political satire,.... Probably a few more. And I think it works, but if you're really opposed to any of the many aspects it could feel a bit all over the place.

I didn't mind it; for a rom-com it's really pretty good.

J* gives it 3 stars.

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