Close (2019)

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Golly gosh it's lovely to look at Noomi Rapace's face. There's something entrancing bout the dimensions of it, that haughty hold, those stellar cheekbones, that lovely philtrum. I find it hard to describe exactly, but there's a certain ethereal something about her face.

You get to see a lot of Rapace in this. It's a pretty solid film for women, having three central female roles, which is as always exciting in a thriller-action. Rapace plays a total badarse who is sent to body-guard the rich-kid of a dead mining magnate. This kid plays on screen somehow a little bit Britney Spears circa 2000s. But she's good. There's also the classy step-Mum.

The gist of the film is that there's an attack on their safehouse in Casa Blanca, thus setting off a chain of "who dunnit" and "who's doing it" and "who is trying to kill us." Rapace plays all hardball and frequently gets into grunty fights. Our richkid also holds her own. And together they fight and kill their way from one location to another and back again.

Things seem obvious at times. But whether they really are or not is hard to say. Thematically this is a film about mothers and daughters on various levels, and how they interact.

J* gives it 4 stars.

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