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Everyone charged towards the newborn vampires, ready to fight. I stood off to the side, watching Jake’s every move. He was quick for sure. He pinned down every vampire that came at him.

That’s my babe.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” I turned, facing another vampire. I backed away. He sniffed the air.

“A human?” His eyes became more red. He took a couple of steps towards me until there was no space between us. He grabbed my neck and pushed me up against the tree. I pried at his hands.

“Don’t worry precious thing, this will only hurt. A lot,” he said with a smirk on his face. I screamed, I kicked, I cried.

Jake’s head whipped towards mine. The vampire started aiming for my neck slowly. Jake charged.

But then he was hit. A loud crunch sounded through the air and a whimper followed.

“Jake!” I sat up, breathing heavily.

“Babe, hey, what’s wrong?” Jake asked, immediately pulling me to his chest.

“Oh my god, Jake,” I whispered, hugging him as tight as I could. I grabbed his face and kissed him urgently.

“I love you,” I said, tears streaming down my face. He wiped away my tears, cradling my face in his hands.

“I love you babygirl,” he said, pulling me to his chest again. “What happened?”

“Nightmare,” I whispered, “The fight with the vampires. I was attacked. I thought I lost you.” He squeezed me softly.

“I’m never, ever going to let you go.”

“I know,” I whispered, holding him close.

Tomorrow - well today - morning, he was going to be heading off to go fight. I held onto him tightly.

“Don’t go?” I whispered, knowing there was a slim chance he’ll stay.

“As much as I want to hold you in my arms while everyone goes to fight, I can’t baby,” he said, digging his face into my neck. I kissed him hard. He kissed back with a confused expression.

“I want you.” I dug my face into his chest, waiting for his reaction. He took a shaky breath.

“I want you too, Rubes,” he said, rubbing my waist, lifting my shirt. I took it off immediately. He smiled and grabbed my face. “Babe, I want you. So badly. But I wanna do this right. I want to do this after the fight where you come up to me and kiss the hell out of me. Then we go off to some romantic place and just make love, all throughout the night. I love you so much. You have no idea how much I’m trying to resist you and your sexy body. I love you.”

“I love you.” I kissed him again. He laid the both of us down, holding my body close to his. Our bodies were intertwined together, leaving no space between us.

“Are you scared?” I asked him. He sighed softly, rubbing my bare back.

“I’m more nervous. I just hope there’s going to be minimal injuries from our side,” he whispered back.

“Please be safe Jake?” He hugged me tight, kissing my lips.

“I love you.”

“I love you.”

We went back to sleep immediately, holding each other.

When I woke up, Jake was still sleeping. I smiled rubbing his cheek. I left a small kiss on his face and changed. I wore his flannel shirt and shorts. It was a hot day today but I didn’t want to wear my clothes.

“Good morning babe,” Jake said huskily. He stretched and got up to kiss me.

“Morning,” I whispered against his lips. He squeezed me tight and left to get ready. I took a deep breathe.

Today’s the dreadful day.

After we got ready, we headed to school for our final exams.

“We’re leaving after the first exam,” Jake said as we sat in his car at the school’s parking lot. I was sitting on his lap in the driver’s seat.

“Please Jake, be careful. All of you,” I repeated for the millionth time.

“We can’t promise anything babygirl, but we’ll try our best,” he said, pressing his lips to my forehead.

The bell rang and we headed in for our first final exam of the day.


I couldn’t sit still during my last exam. I was beyond worried. Throughout the whole exam I stared at the clock, waiting for the big hand to reach twelve.

I bolted out of my seat when the exam was over and headed home with Kim. I couldn’t go to Emily’s since she wasn’t there. Sam had suggested she go visit her family during the fight so she was safe.

“They’ll be fine,” Kim repeated over and over. We were both nervous. She had driven her car to school so I left with her.

Throughout the whole time, I couldn’t help but think of every negative thing that might happen.

I already knew Bella was going to be there and that Jake was staying with her and her vampire lover for the first night. I trusted Jake one hundred percent.

“They’ll be fine honey, stop worrying,” my mom said. She already knew the whole deal with the werewolves/vampire thing.

“I’m so scared Mom,” I said as she wrapped her arms around me.

“I need a hug too!” Kim tackled her mom, almost falling to the floor.

“God what did I give birth too?” Kim’s mom joked. We chuckled. The four of us sat and decided to play games while we waited.


I know.


It was around six in the afternoon when I woke up from my nap. I groaned, feeling a cramp on my neck.

I checked my phone out of impulse.

No new notifications.

I sighed and got up. I went into the kitchen to find my mom and Kim’s.

“I’m gonna go to Jake’s house,” I told them.

“Be safe honey,” my mom said, kissing my forehead. “Call me when you get there, okay?”

“Yes mom,” I said.

“Take Kim with you, she’s useless at the moment,” Kim’s  mom said, pointing to Kim as she laid on the backboard of the couch. She toppled over not a moment later.

“Ow,” Kim moaned as we laughed.

“Come on stupid, let’s go,” I said grabbing my keys and bag. Kim grabbed her things and the two of us headed to Jake’s house. Billy wasn’t around, since he was with Bella’s dad fishing or something.

We went inside and the two of us stayed on the couch watching random shows. We did whatever we could to kill time. Eventually it became too late and we went to sleep. I slept in Jake’s room while Kim took the couch.

I love you Jake, please be careful.

A/N: Short, I know. Sorry. I haven't been taking my depression meds in a while now and I started cutting again. But who cares lol. Anyways read and vote.

No dedication today, sorry guys.

Sweetest comment gets a dedication in the next chapter. I'm working on it now, but I won't post it till I get at least one comment.

PS: this story's gonna end pretty soon. Maybe three or four chapters left!

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