It's Just Me and You

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 Today was the day we all graduated. All of us except Seth, Brady and Collin of course. I took one last look at myself in the mirror.

I was dressed in a simple white dress with wedges and some matching jewelry. I pinned my graduation cap to my head so it wouldn't fall off. My hair fell down in loose curls, thanks to Kim. I had minimal makeup on, knowing it was going to be hot today and I'd rather not have my face melt off.

"You ready?" I looked over to my door where Jake stood. I smiled and took a minute to look at him.

He was wearing a shirt (boo) but it fit him nice enough to show off his muscular arms and back with his graduation cap on. He was in dress pants and held his gown in one arm.

"Yeah," I said, grabbing my gown and bag. He grabbed my waist, kissing my forehead. The two of us headed to school together and went to go the auditorium. We went separate ways since we had to be lined up in alphabetical order.

The ceremony began and we all headed toward our assigned seats. There were butterflies in my stomach, most of it being because I was finally graduating. And because of the shiny diamond on my left hand that everyone could see. No one said anything about it to me, so I guess no one was paying attention, not that I wanted them to stare at my hand. I cheered as Lily made her way up to the stage to deliver the valedictorian speech.

"Dear faculty, parents, teachers, and students," she began. "We have all definitely come a long way. As much as I want to run out of this place after receiving my diploma, I can't." That caused a few people to chuckle.

"These past four years were very difficult, stressful, annoying, and dramatic. I'm pretty sure we've all witnessed a couple of fights or two each year. But throughout it all, I'm proud to say we've finally made it. I don't know about you, but these four years were not only excruciatingly long, but absolutely amazing. From our freshman picnic to our senior prom, we've made so many memories that we'll definitely cherish. Some of us will go our separate ways, meanwhile some of us will stay. Graduation isn't meant to be a going away thing. It should be a celebration that we've all passed Ms. Luzhak's class." Another round of laughter roared through the auditorium.

"I don't know about you, but I'm going to miss this place and all the friends I've made, new and old. You've all made an impact in my life and others. Negative and positive. But I want you all - although a handful of you will probably end up doing - look at yourself in the mirror. Think to the first day of freshman year to now. Be proud of what you have accomplished. I know there are things that I could have done, but didn't. And I know I'm not the only one who thinks that. But despite all the things you didn't do, be proud of what you have done. Be proud of all the friends you made, passing Calculus class, the prom dress you bought, and all the memories you've made." She paused to smile at all of us.

"All in all, I wish every single one of you the absolute best - even though I dislike some of you." With that said, she walked down with a smug smile as we all laughed.

"Now, I will be calling the students up to receive their diploma," our principal said.


"Quil Elki Ateara the fifth," our principal called a moment later. The pack cheered him on as he went up stage.

"Jacob Elias Black," our principal called up next. Like with Quil, the pack started whooping and hollering as he walked up to the stage with a smug smile on his face. He threw me a wink after meeting my eyes and walked off.

I zoned out until I heard familiar names being called.

"Embry Maska Call...Jared Pimne Cameron...Kim Allison Conweller...Samantha Elizabeth Fallon...Julisa Emily Hudson...Lily Nicole Hamilton...Sarah Brooke Hamilton...Ruby Maria Koshi." I stood up and made my way to the stage. The guys made a bunch of cat calls, making me roll my eyes.

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