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Touma I'm hungry!" Index whinned as she sprawled on the floor looking very misreble. Her gaurdian groaned as he struggled to focus on his homework.

"But you just ate eight bowls of ramen ten minutes ago!" He reminded. "We need to save money Index, if we keep spending money for food just because you keep going hungry every five seconds---"

"----I don't go hungry every five seconds!" Index defended pouting adorably before standing up. "Besides eight bowls of ramen isn't enough for me that was just a snack! I'll starve to death! I'm still hungry!" the nun kept stomping her feet while repeating 'Hungry' over and over.

The sixteen year old tried to ignore her as best as he can, but to fail misrebly.

"Hungry! Touma I'm hungry! Hungry! Hungry!"

"Blah! Blah! Blah! I don't hear anything!"

"I SAID I'M HUNGRY!" Fed up with being ignored the silverette pounced on him and sank her teeth on his arm, biting him deeply. Kamijou yelped and tried to pry her off of him. "Ow! Index--Ouch!--Hey--ow!--cut it out--Ow!--Okay I'll buy more food!"

As soon as the words escaped his mouth the nun smiled and released him.

"Be careful on your way out" she reminded as she watched her best friend grab his wallet and jacket. "Relax, I've faced things no ordinary teenager should face. I can handle myself" Kamijou smiled assuringly.

"Well that's the thing Touma, you aren't an ordinary teenager. In fact no one in this city is" Index pointed out.

Kamijou ignored her and left the dorm, already a store in mind to buy Index' food. He still wonders how that small girl could eat so much, even after all this time of living with her.


" 'Misaka Misaka wants a new ipad!' Misaka Misaka demands as nicely as she could without sounding bratty" the little girl says with hands on her hips, pouting as her gaurdian flips a page on the magazine he was reading.

" 'Have you gone deaf? Is that why you're not acknowledging me?' Misaka Misaka asks already knowing the answer but still asks anyway" The MISAKA clone huffed and jumped up and down on the couch trying to gain her gaurdian's attention.

" 'Misaka Misaka wants a new ipad! Misaka Misaka needs the latest model!' Misaka Misaka repeats with frustration and somewhat desperation wanting so bad to hit the grumpy boy!" Misaka yells as she continues jumping up and down on the couch repeating 'Ipad' over and over.

Misaka Worst looks up from her cereal and smirks sadisticly. Accelerator was visibly shaking from rage and any minute now he'll snap.

" 'Misaka Misaka needs a new Ipad!' screams Misaka as she readies herself to kick your arm!" True to her word she raised a leg to swing it at her carer before the albino slammed down his magazine and glared daggers at her.

"Here's a word rarely used on you, NO! Fuck no! I ain't getting ya a new ipad! We're broke already and you fucking want me to spend money on ya for what?! Some piece of glass?! Fuck no!" Accelerator bellowed.

Last Order however was far from giving up.

" 'It's not just 'some piece of glass' as you've put it! It's the latest model, all my friends and sisters have one! Even Worst!' Yells Misaka Misaka in irritation and jelousy trying to get you to see her point" the small girl's entire face went red.

"What are you talkin' about?" Accelerator raises a brow and the small girl gave a 'hmp!' and pointed at Misaka Worst who had a smug look. Accelerator followed Last Order's gaze and saw why the normaly loud, crappy, psycho clone was so quiet and well behaved. Misaka Worst, was currently busy doting on a very expensive and brand new looking ipad. Accelerator's red eyes narrowed and he gritted his teeth.

An Albino With An Idiot(TouAccel)Where stories live. Discover now