Getting to know Autumn.

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-Autumn's POV.

Hola, my names Autumn Snow Silence, pretty unique right? Yeah, well, I'm 13 years old, I just turned 13 a few days ago, I live with my abusive parents, there names are, Selena Silence, and Marlon Silence, I got 5 brothers and 1 sister,

The oldest, his name is, Elliot Kevin Silence, the second oldest is William Brant Ketin Silence, the third oldest is Delilah Diane Silence,

The third youngest is, Auron Walker Brian Silence, the second youngest is, Phoenix Alvin Silence, and I'm the baby,

Elliot is 20, William's 18, Delilah's 17, Auron's 17 as well, and Phoenix is 17 as well, there triplets just so you know,

I have light red hair, green emerald eyes, I'm super pale from a lot of blood loss, I'm 5'2, I have 5 best friends, there names are, Jacelyn Rae, Taylor Meekis, Drake Meekis, Tyson Wren, and Anton Fiddler,

Jacelyn has silver eyes, and has blonde curly hair, and is dating Anton, Anton has brown eyes, brown curly hair but straightens it, Taylor has hazel eyes, and has her black straight hair, Drake has blue crystal eyes, and has blue streaked straight hair, and Tyson has purplish eyes, and has golden brown hair,

I've always had a crush on Tyson, but the thing is, I know he doesn't like me back, and I already know that,

I got to Thomas Fiddler Memorial High School, and I'm in grade 8, along with my best friends too,

Oh and, if you ever try and fuck around with me or my best friends, we'll eventually end up kicking your asses, but the thing is, I'm just quiet, so people think I'm just a pussy, but I'm not, so don't try and fuck around with me, yes, I know 'I'm 13 so shut the fuck up' I'm not that kind of person, well.. Sorta.

I like creepy pasta, but I'm not a fan girl, I'm just completely normal, I wouldn't freak if I seen them in real life, but I do sorta got a crush on L.J

Anyways, that's all you should know about me.. For now. xD

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