Going back to school. Chapter 22.

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-Jillian's POV.

It's been at least 4 weeks since the mansion got wrapped in plastic. But today I was going back to school. But as Jillian, not Autumn. Jacelyn was going to school as her pasta, and Scar is new. "We gotta go now." I said, the girls nodded and we walked outside.

"I'm scared, but excited at the same time." Jacelyn said. "When was the last time you went to school?" Scar asked. "About 11 months ago." I said, Jacelyn, nodded. "That's long, last time I went to school was 100 years ago." Scar said. "Holy shit." I said. Scar laughed. "It's true, I'm gonna suffer in there." Scar said. "So am I!" I said, Jacelyn nodded. "Me too!" She said. "I miss Julianne already, I can't even stand being far away from her, probably that's how my dad was when he let go of me." I said, they nodded,

We got to the school. Once we walked in, everyone was staring at us. We seen Mckenzie, Rebecca, Jurriah, and Kendra. "Esh, I already wanna get out of here." I said, Jacelyn nodded, so did Scar. "Look, more of Autumn's friends!" Kendra said. "Don't say that! Autumn's spirit is gonna haunt us!" Jurriah said acting scared. "I can't wait until I'm in the bathroom with one of those girls so I could show them I'm actually Autumn." I whispered and smirked. Scar chuckled, so did Jacelyn. We walked to the front office. "May I help you?" The secretary said. "We need our schedule." I said, she nodded. "Jillian, and you other girls are..?" Jacelyn gulped. "I-I-I uhmm... My names Julianne.." Jacelyn said. "And you?" The lady said pointing to Scar. "S-Scarlett." She said. "Oh! Okay." The lady said giving us our schedules. "That was close." Jacelyn said, I chuckled. "No shit." I said, Scar chuckled. "Hey, look! It's Autumn's triplets!" Darian said. "This, is why we should've went to Taylor's." Scar said. "We would've been ditched and we would've had to deal with Julianne being quiet." I said, Jacelyn nodded. "Yeah Scarlett." Jacelyn said, I playfully rolled my eyes. "So we got same classes." Scar said. "Wow really Scar? I thought we didn't." I said, Scar and Jacelyn, chuckled. "Well, let's head off to class." Scar said, we went straight to history,

"Excuse me-" "Excuse yourself, I'm Jillian Henson and this is my other sisters, Julianne Henson and Scarlett Henson, don't ask why we don't look the same." I said sitting in my old seat. "O-oh uh, okay." Our history teacher said. "Sir, can I go use the bathroom? Okay." I said getting up and walking out to the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, then Rebecca walked in, I smirked. "Why you smiling?" She rudely asked. "Because of something." I said. "Your so much like Autumn, you probably killed her." She said, I smirked. "I am Autumn." I said. "Liar." She said, I giggled a little bit, and changed into Autumn. "I told you, soon, I'm going to kill you... So you have 2 seconds..." I said, Rebecca stood there in shock. "1.... 2... I said you just had to run." I said and pulled out my knife from my pocket, I stabbed her in the heart, she gasped, I giggled. "All you had to is just run..." I said smirking, I pulled out the knife and stabbed her again, I smiled. "It feels good to kill once again.." I whispered and pulled out my knife. I put it away and changed into Jillian again, I looked in the mirror and seen no blood on me. I smirked and walked out.

I walked back to class and sat down. "Oh, uhm Jillian, as I was saying-" I rolled my eyes and put my foot on my desk and ignored him. "Attention, all staff and students. Were gonna have a school close down, and tomorrow morning, we will have a ceremony of Rebecca White, she has been murdered in the girls bathroom earlier. So staff send the student home straight away." The principle said. I smirked and got up, I grabbed my bag and walked out along with Scar and Jace. "Do you think Slender or someone killed her?" Jacelyn said. "Who would've killed her?" Scar said. "I did." I said. "What?!" Scar said. "Yes, I killed her. Is that a fucking problem?!" I snapped. "Yes that is a fucking problem! Would've someone finds out?!" Jacelyn said. "No one can't find out, I killed her as Autumn." I smirked. "Okay good! We'll never tell anyone about this." Jacelyn said. "Psh, no one won't know I went as Autumn." I smirked. "She's right Jacelyn. Jillian is a sneaky person." Scar said. "Shut up Scar." I said. "Okay then." Scar said, I chuckled. "Plus, Rebecca was a bitch too Jacelyn, so I don't see why your bitching at me anyways." I said. "Yeah.. I guess your right." Jacelyn said. "Now your talking." I smirked. "Well, let's just go to the Slender mansion, see if it's still covered." Scar said. We agreed and walked over there.

Once we got there it wasn't wrapped in plastic. I raised my eyebrow and walked inside, I seen Jane on the couch. "Jillian?! Jacelyn?! Scar?! W-we thought you guys got caught too!" She said getting off. "Where's everyone else?!" I said. "Insane asylum... Me and the girls escaped! And Jack... He was close-" "I don't give a fuck about Jack, Jane." I said cutting her off. "S-sorry.. What happened between you two?" Jane asked. "He cheated on me for Jill. Probably got her pregnant like he did to me." I said. "She is.." Jane said. "I'm gonna fucking kill him once I see his ass!" I said. "Why?" Jane asked. "Because he fucked me! And then had a kid with me! And then he fucked Jill and now! She's pregnant like I was before!!" I said. "I-I'm sorry.. Well.. Jill's back in the asylum.. I kicked her back in there to give us a 2 second head start.. And now she's back in there." Jane said. "Good! I hated that bitch anyways!" I said. "So did I." Jane said, I smirked. "So where's the girls? Did Sally make it too?" I asked. "Sally did, me, Sally, and Clockwork." Jane said. "Glad you girls made it." I said. "No shizness!" Scar said, we all laughed.

"So where's Julianne? I wanna see that little thing!" Jane said. "She's at Marlon and Selena's, that's where we went." I said. "Well go get her!" Jane said. "Okay! Okay!" I said. "I miss her a lot, it's been 4 weeks since we all got caught, but I'm glad the girls and I escaped." Jane said, I smiled and nodded.

I walked out and walked to Selena and Marlon's. I walked inside and spotted Delilah on the couch. "Hey Delilah." I said. "Hey Jilly." She said. "Where's Julianne?" I asked. "Upstairs in your old room." She said. I nodded and walked upstairs, I opened the door and spotted Juliane laying down. "Someone's probably up from there nap." I said picking her up. "She just did I guess." Elliot said, I looked behind and smiled. "Where's the others?" He said. "Back at the place I live, I gotta go now." I said, he nodded and walked away. I walked outside and walked back to the Slender Mansion. "Julianne!" Sally said running to us. "Julianne! I missed her so much!" Clockwork said, I smiled and handed Julianne to Clockwork and watched them coo all over her. I smiled at them.

It feels good to be home again.

AN: I made this chapter as long as possible because the other chapters were small, and sorry for not updating in awhile, I'm just so busy with my other fanfictions and school, but I'm trying to keep track on the other fanfictions I'm making, so I'm gonna work more on this one, since I kept you guys waiting for so damn long.

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