Already?! Chapter 19.

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-Jack's POV.

Do you know what? I feel sorry for Jillian! She's already 9 months! And she's having a hard time with things! Her legs are swelling up! And she's already almost 14! I can't stand seeing her like this!

"Jack, can you get me water please?" Jillian asked, I nodded and went to go get her a glass of water, I came back to her and gave her the glass. "So do you know when's your due date?" I asked. "Probably in a few more days..." She said, I nodded,

"Jack?!" She said. "What?" I said. "I-I think.. My water just broke!" She said. "Help me up!" She said, I helped her up as quick as I can, and went downstairs to Eyeless's lab, and put her on the table. "She got into labour Eyeless!" I shouted.

-Few hours later.

I was looking at my child.. Jillian was looking at our child.. She had tears in her eyes. "Still wanna name her that name we chose out?" She said, I nodded. "What were you guys gonna name her?" Toby said. "Julianne Nancy Henson.." Jillian said, I smiled, I looked at Toby, his eyes instantly lit up. "I-I can't believe it.. My daughter named my grandchild Julianne.." He said, I smiled, and kissed Jillian on the head,

This is the best day of my life..

AN: Sorry for a short and a sucky chapter! But hey! At least Jillian had the baby! And Merry late Christmas, what'd you guys get? I got a acoustic guitar, and I'm gonna be writing more and more from now on! But I'm making a story, about a Christian and a metal head, should I publish it? I've been working on it for quiet awhile, so yeah, but I hope you guys likes this chapter anyways.

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