She lied? Chapter 15.

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-Jack's POV.

I was running back to the Slender Mansion, and holding Autumn in my arms, I left the knife in her stomach, so that she won't bleed so much, and possibly die,

As I reached the Slender Mansion, I ran inside, and shouted. "Slender!" Slender came downstairs. "Yes Laughing Jack?" He asked. "It's Autumn! She fainted, or something from blood loss!!" I shouted,

He grabbed Autumn from my arms, and started checking her out. "Ahh, she'll be okay Laughing Jack, just need to give her more blood." He said, I nodded, and called for Eyeless, and Eyeless came. "Yeah Slender?" He asked. "Eyeless Jack, take Autumn, and find one of your blood bags with her blood type." Slender said, Eyeless nodded and grabbed Autumn from Slender's arms, and walked off,

I walked upstairs and sighed, then someone knocked on me and Autumn's door, I answered it, it was Slender. "Laughing Jack, I got something to tell you, and it's about Autumn." Slender said. "What is it Slender?" I asked curiously. "Autumn is pregnant, and the baby might not make it, but the good news is, Autumn is making it, but were not so sure about the baby, Eyeless is trying to do everything to save Autumn, and your child, but we gotta wait until Eyeless's done, it'll take a few hours, so we just gotta wait patiently.." Slender said, I nodded, and said. "So.. She lied?" Slender nodded, I nodded, and Slender walked out,

I went under the covers and started crying like a big baby,

I need Autumn, now..

AN: Bun bun bunnnn!!! Autumn's pregnant, but do you think the baby won't make it? I'll try and make it make sense, okay? xD since this one probably didn't make sense. xD

Is it right to love someone who's... Inhuman? (Laughing Jack fan fiction.)Where stories live. Discover now