Catch me if you can. Chapter 3.

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-Autumn's POV.

I was still thinking, I heard the police sirens from the distance going louder,

"Autumn hurry!" "I'll go!" I said, I ran to my room and grabbed my Jack Skeleton head backpack, as grabbed a bunch of random clothes, and some beanies, and my phone charger and earphones, I zipped up my bag, and made a quick note,

Catch me if you Can. -Autumn.

I jumped out the window and ran into the woods where Jack was leading, I looked back and seen the cops running to the woods where me and Jack was, Jack threw me over and shoulders and started running fast,

After a long run, Jack put me down, and he looked pretty sweaty. "I'm fat right?" "No, I'm not in good shape, and your so scrawny, I'm still not in good shape, if you weren't so scrawny, I would've already been in good shape." Jack said laughing, I chuckled, Jack grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together, and walked inside the slender mansion,

"Guys!" Jack shouted. "Jack!!!" A girl with one clock eye said, and one green eye,

"Guys, and gals, I want you to meet Autumn, she ran away with me, and her parents are dead.." Jack said smiling. "Oh, so you killed her parents so she could run away with you right?" A boy with a white mask said,

"Oh shut up, well, Autumn, I want you to meet, Masky, Eyeless Jack, Hoodie, Jeff, Ticci Toby, ClockWork, Jane, Ben, Sally, Smile Dog, Sonic. exe, Lost Silver, Laughing Jill, Dying Scar, (AN: a creepy pasta I made up.) and Slender Man."

Everyone said hi, but not Laughing Jill, I don't know why. "Autumn?" A little girls voice said, I looked down, and seen Sally. "Hey Sally." I said smiling. "Wanna play with me?" Sally said smiling. "Of course, what do you wanna play?" "Let's play dolls!" "Okay, do you got a doll for me too?" "Yeah." I smiled,

Me and Sally started walking up the stairs and went into a little girls room, witches Sally's room, Sally gave me a doll, it was a Barbie. "Hey look! This looks like one of the girls that go to my school!" I said, Sally had a confused look on we face. "What do you mean Autumn?" "Well, let's say, a school I go to, Thomas Fiddler Memorial High school? There's a bunch of Barbie dolls, besides me, and my other friends." I said, Sally started laughing. "How about I meet your friends?" "When?" "Now!"

Sally turned into her human form, she still had her brown hair, she had a pink dress, and black ballet shoes, white socks, she still had her green eyes,

And me, I was obviously human, wearing my Avenged Sevenfold Jimmy memorial t-shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, a black beanie, black cat socks, and converse shoes, along with my light red curly hair, and green emerald eyes, I don't need make up, I'm 13 only, so yeah,

Me and Sally walked down the stairs, Sally was in her big backpack, she wanted to go in her big backpack, like she was a baby,

Clockwork walked towards me. "Hey Autumn, where are you and Sally heading?" "Just heading out, we'll be back." "You guys better watch the news first though."

Me and Sally got to the living room, where everyone was watching the news. "Autumn, watch this!" Ben said,

"Marlon Silence and Selena Silence has been murdered, Mrs. Silence's lungs have been torn out, and eye sockets, and her stomach has been stuffed with candy, and Mr. Silence's arms were torn off, and legs, and Mr. Silence's lungs were torn out and organs, and kidneys as well, and candy was stuffed inside Mr. Silence as well, the kids were safe, but the youngest Autumn Silence is missing, she has left a note saying "Catch me if you can." There is no sign of her anywhere, Delilah, autumn's big sister, was the last one who saw her, if anyone seen Autumn silence, please contact the police right away, Autumn was last seen wearing, Avenged Sevenfold Jimmy memorial t-shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, a black beanie, and black converse shoes, and has green eyes, light red hair, and is pale." "Autumn... Where's your brothers?" "Elliot's in university, William went to college, the 3 triplets, are in grade 12.." "If you had to go back.. Where would you go?" "I would have to live with my moms sister, or my dad's brother.."

Jack walked up to me and laced out fingers together, and put our heads together. "I don't want you to go though.." Jack said. "I don't wanna go to.." Jack grabbed my chin softly and made me look at him softly, I looked into his white eyes, he leaned down and kissed me on the lips, softly,

And of course, I kissed back, I felt him smile, after awhile, I let go and he let go of my hands, and I looked at Scar, Laughing Jill was next to Scar, Jill looked at me angry, Scar smiled at me, I smiled back at Scar,

"Soo... Autumn.. Are you planning on not going anywhere instead?" Clockwork said, Jack looked at me confused. "What do you mean, 'not going anywhere instead'?" Jack said. "Me and Sally was gonna go see my best friends, because Sally wanted to meet them.." I said, Scar walked up to me, and said.

"Well.. How about, us girls meet Autumn's friends?" "GIRLS NIGHT!!" Jane shouted, we all started laughing.

AN: sorry for not posting! I've been busy! Okay? Well, now you know, Autumn ran away with Jack, and they might have girls night! Yay! xD I'll write more!

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