Escaping. Chapter 10.

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-Autumn's POV.

He walked inside, great, nows my chance to run,

I grabbed onto my beanie, and held it in my hand, and started sprinting off,

I looked back to see if anyone was following, the guy came outside, and ran back inside,

I sprinted to my house, I ran inside, and ran upstairs my fastest, and ran into my room, and ran to my room, and changed into my creepy pasta from,

I tried to open the window, it didn't wanna fucking open! I grabbed my chair and smashed the window open, Delilah ran to my room, I looked at her, and changed into my human form, she had a shock look,

I changed back into my creepy pasta form again, and climbed out the window and jumped as my foot was on the edge, I did a summer salt, I forgot what it's called, I ran into the forest,

I looked back, to see if Delilah was looking for me, luckily she wasn't,

I ran straight towards the mansion, I reached the mansion, and banged on the door, Slender opened the door, he hugged me so tight, and let me in,

I walked into the living room, Jack was sitting on the couch, looking blue, and eating candy. "Jack?" I said. "Autumn?!" He said as his head shot up, he looked at me, and threw his candy away, and ran to me and hugged me tightly,

About 10 minutes, he finally let go, and I hugged everyone,

"Autumn, where'd you go?" Masky asked. "I went to an insane asylum, and a doctor said I could wait outside, and I pissed off a guy, and he went inside, and I made a run for it, I was gonna live with my auntie, but I'm thankful I made that run." I said happily. "Well, I'm glad you came back safely and unharmed." Jack said giving me a peck on the lips,

"How long was I gone?" I asked. "You were gone for 3 days.." Slender said. "I thought just for 1 day.." I said. "Nope, you got knocked out pretty badly, and the floors pretty hard too, so that's what made it longer.." Jack said, I was in shock..

AN: Well, you know what happened, sorry for such a short chapter, but hey, at least I made 3 chapters in about 1 hour, probably. xD well, I'm going bed now, night, or morning, or afternoon, whatever, love you. cx

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