First day of school. Chapter 1.

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-Autumn's POV.

Today was my first day of grade 8, I groaned as my clock was loud as hell, I pressed the snooze button, and got out of bed,

I walked to my closet, and grabbed a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, and a A7X t-shirt, I walked to the bathroom along with under clothes too,

I took a shower, and washed up, and got out, I grabbed my clothes and put them on, I grabbed my hair dryer and blow dried my light red hair,

After I was done, I walked out and went into my room and grabbed my books and my school bag, and put my books in my bag, and grabbed my binder and whatever I needed for school,

I grabbed my knee high converse shoes, and grabbed my Vengeance University Zomby sweater, and grabbed my Nyan Cat hat, and walked out of my room, and walked out of the house, I walked next door to pick up Jacelyn, her mom opened the door,

"Hey Mrs. Rae, where's Jacelyn?" "She's upstairs with Anton, wait." Jacelyn's mom closed the door in my face and called for Jacelyn,

After about a few minutes later, Jacelyn and Anton came out. "Sup mah bitch, and wuddup my homie!" I said hugging Jacelyn and giving Anton a bro fist,

We started walking down the road to go pick up, Taylor, Drake, and Tyson,

When we were almost up to the school, we bumped into, Rebecca and them,

"Look! It's the Emo's! Finally going to school!" Rebecca said, Sophie said. "Why don't you just go home and cut your wrists? Instead of going to school and cutting your wrists." Jurriah, Kendra, and McKenzie started laughing. "Look guys! It's the Barbie dolls! But what are they doing out of there boxes?!" I said, Jacelyn, Taylor, Anton, Tyson, and Drake started laughing,

"Don't talk to us Emo's." Kendra said. "Awhh, got nothing to say about us Barbie?" Drake said. "No, we, uh, we uh.. Don't wanna talk to your black asses." Jurriah said. "Honey, at least we don't stick out our boobies and get big asses, like you, when did Barbie get sluttier guys?" Anton said. "Let's go you guys, before I end up in Juvie." I said,

Me and the others walked off, I felt someone was watching us, I looked around, instead, there was no one around, Tyson said. "You okay Nya? You seem scared." "I'm fine, just.. Had a feeling someone was watching us.." I said. "Well, maybe the barbies got someone to watch us." Tyson said smirking. "Man, stop it Tyson, I got anxiety remember." I said, Tyson chuckled a bit,

When we finally got to the school, there was a bunch of little kids, and same old teenagers, I seen my big brothers and my big sister,

We went to our new lockers, and checked our schedules, I had gym class, I put all of my books in my locker, the bell started ringing, we got into our classes,

-Skipping school.

I was finally out of hell, but once I get home, it's still hell, I was walking home with Jacelyn, Anton, Drake, Taylor, and Tyson, as we were halfways, we bumped into, Darian, Rayden, Jefferey, and Brent,

Darian knocked me down. "Sorry, my bad." Darian said, lending out his hand, I didn't bother grabbing his hand, I got up myself and said. "Thanks, but no thanks, I'm not an old lady yet." I said,

We walked off, we said bye and got home, once I got home, my parents weren't off work yet, I got upstairs and went into my room, and grabbed my phone to check if it was fully charged, thank god it was, I grabbed it, and grabbed my earphones, and crawled out my window,

I landed on something, and jumped down, and went to the forest, where I always go.

-A/N: sorry if it's a short chapter, I promise I'll make a longer one. xD

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