Make sure she's not dead. Chapter 14.

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-Autumn's POV.

Today, I decided to go out, like, away from the Slender Mansion, go to my house for awhile,

I got out my clothes when I went 'missing', and slid on my converse shoes,

And turned into a creepypasta, I pulled out my knife, and stabbed myself in the stomach, and started coughing out blood, I covered myself in the a bandage right away, I left the knife in my stomach and walked out,

I walked out of the mansion, along with Jack, to make it seem like he killed me, he was carrying me bridal style, and we finally reached my house, I removed the bandage, and he put me down slowly on my bed,

He put my hands around my stomach, and layed me straight, just then, someone opened the door. "What the fuck?! Is... I-I-is t-that... A-Autumn?!" That sounded like Elliot! Jack started laughing really hard, "Make sure she's not dead Elliot." He said laughing really hard,

I heard Jack jump out my window, and Elliot calling my other siblings, he ran out of my room, and started calling my siblings, I opened my eyes, and jumped out my window as well, and held on the the edge of the sill on the outside, and checked Elliot's reaction,

I left the window open, since Jack left it like that, Jack was outside though, I smiled at him, and pecked at least half of my face, I seen Elliot run back into my room, with tears streaming down his face, and my other siblings, they were happy, probably because I was dead,

"What?! She was just here!! A-a-a guy just put her down on this bed! And he said, make sure she isn't dead! I-I don't get it! She was just all of a sudden on this bed! The window was left open like it always was! The bed! It has blood! That-that clown! Probably took her body!" I jumped down, and ran off into the woods laughing my ass off,

Until, everything started going blurry, and it went black.

AN: What do you think? Do you think Autumn died? Well, Anywhore, I'm glad I updated, well, I won't be updating during Christmas season, probably, well, I gotta continue editing my other fan fiction I'm making, and write more on my other one, annnnd, I go to Moonlight madness, 6-10, where I'm from. xD it's some sorta shopping thing, my moms taking me. xD

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