4 months and girl names. Chapter 18.

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-Jillian's POV.

I woke up with Jack out of the bed, I got out of bed, and just grabbed a black sweater and black leggings, and put on my black sweater and slid on my leggings and just left my hair curly,

I got out and made my way downstairs, and seen my dad on the couch watching Ben and Scar play games, I sat next to my dad. "Hi dad." I said. "Good afternoon my daughter, how's my grand daughter?" He said, as he was rubbing my belly. "Fine, my daughters fine, Eyeless is gonna do an ultrasound, since he said he's got those things." I said. "Ahh, I'm already a grandparent." My dad said, I giggled,

Then Jack came into the room, and sat down next to me. "Good morning my fia- beautiful girlfriend." He said nervously, I looked at him suspicious, even my dad looked at him suspicious,

"Ms. Jillian Henson, get your ass to my laboratory and let's see if your daughters fine." Eyeless said, I laughed, and Jack helped me up, and held my hand to the laboratory,

"You know Eyeless, I'm glad you got this lab, because if you didn't, then I wouldn't even see if my daughters fine." I said, Eyeless looked at me, and lifted up his mask and smiled at me, I smiled back,

"So, I hope your ass is eating well, because I'm not gonna be the one who's gonna be feeding you, your boyfriend here is gonna be feeding you." Eyeless said walking to me with an ultrasound stick,

He poured the cold gel on my stomach. "I'm not sure if your daughters healthy, I just wanna see how a baby looks like in a stomach." Eyeless said. "Eyeless!" I said, and rolled my eyes, Eyeless started laughing, Jack walked to me, and kissed me on the lips,

"It's too bad you guys can't have sex anymore." Eyeless said. "Eyeless!!" I said. "Come on Eyeless! Just because you caught us naked and now she's pregnant doesn't mean we get to have sex anymore! Well.. After she has our daughter." He said and winked,

I glared at him and hit him on the arm. "I'm just joking babe!" Jack said. "Eyeless, if I find out Jacelyn's pregnant, you'll regret getting her pregnant." I said, he made a little whimper. "Babe! You scared him!" Jack said. "Oh come on Jack! You would've been like this too if you were Eyeless!" I said. "For sure you would've made Eyeless babies if I was Eyeless." He said, and winked, I glared at him again and hit him on the stomach,

He started laughing, even Eyeless. "Can't we just get this over with?! I wanna get off this thing!" I said. "And now were done." He said, Jack wiped off the gel and helped me up,

"Finally, is our daughter healthy?" I said. "Yep she is, a healthy little girl, see you on your due date." Eyeless said, I rolled my eyes and smiled, me and Jack walked out together and sat down on the couch,

My dad walked in. "So how's my grand daughter doing Jillian?" He said as he bent on his knees and put his hand on my stomach. "She's healthy, Eyeless said he wants to see me on my due date." I said, my dad laughed. "So dad, what was moms name?" I asked. "Her name was Julianne, she died after giving birth to you, and I almost named you after her, now your names Jillian Henson." He said as he looked sad, I hugged my dad. "Dad, moms in a better place." I said, he let go and smiled at me,

"So what are we gonna name our daughter?" Jack said. "We'll think about it later." I said and smiled, Jack smiled and gave me a kiss on the lips,

I got up slowly as Jack and my dad helped me up, Jack took me upstairs, and we went into our room, and sat down. "Okay Jack, I'm gonna surprise my dad after I give birth, I'm thinking about naming our daughter Julianne Nancy Henson." I said with a grin on my face, he smiled, and nodded, I wrapped my shoulders around him and kissed him on the lips,

"I miss this, when we didn't have to worry so much about the baby." He said. "I miss this too." I said, Jack let go of me and layed down on the bed,

I fell asleep after that.

AN: sorry if it's a short chapter! I'm busy with a fan fiction I'm making, but if I published it, would any of you guys read it? It's called "I love you." And it's about Mingus Reedus, and Chandler Riggs, and twins meet after Steven Yeun adopts them, so yeah, and the twins names are Samantha Natalie Chance, and Angel Rose Chance, I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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