Positive? Or no?! Chapter 13.

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-Autumn's POV.

It wasn't positive! I cried tears of joy, and started jumping around, Jack ran into the bathroom. "SOOO?! Is it positive? Am I gonna be a father?! I hope not.." He said. "Nope! I'm not a slutty 13 year old! I'm a happy 13 year old!" I yelled as I cried tears of joy again,

Jack had a big smile on his face, his smile was from ear to ear, and hugged me so tight, we were both crying tears of joy,

Just then, Jill walked in. "Get the fuck out! I wanna fucking pee!" She said, until she thought I was pregnant. "Jack! You shouldn't have fucked this 13 year old! She's soooo young for you!" She shouted. "Fuck off Jill! I'm not pregnant!" I shouted, to make sure the near by pastas were able to hear us,

Scar ran to the bathroom door right away. "Your not pregnant?! Thank god! I didn't want a 13 year old screaming and crying while she's giving birth to a little thing!" She shouted happily, Ben started jumping around. "I'm not gonna be a uncle!!" He shouted, Jacelyn and Eyeless came to the bathroom. "Thank god! I didn't wanna see a big lump on your stomach in 8 months!" Jacelyn shouted,

We all group hugged, and got out of the bathroom,

I'm glad I'm not pregnant.

AN: Well, it was early for me to write. xD because like I said, I was writing a short chapter, BUT! 2 chapters in 1 day! Yay!

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