Final Chapter. Chapter 23.

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-Autumn's POV.

"When will she wake up doctor?" I heard my moms voice. I opened my eyes and noticed I was in the hospital. "Mom? Dad?" I choked out.

"Oh! Autumn." My mom said running to me and hugging me tightly. "Mom?" I asked. "Autumn, you got into a coma." My dad said. "Coma?! How long?!" I said. "Four years." My mom said. "What?! Four years?!" I said. "Yes.." My dad said.

"How old am I?" I asked. "18 now." My mom said. "When did I go into a coma?" I asked. "When you were 14." My dad said. I nodded and noticed something.

"Where's Elliot?! William?! Auron?! Delilah?! Phoenix?! Wait! Where's Julianne?!" I said. "Julianne?" My mom said. "I-I don't get it! You guys died! I got pregnant, I had a daughter named Julianne! I-I dated a clown, I even had a different dad!" I said.

"Autumn... It was all just a dream.." My dad said. "W-what?!" I said. "It was all a dream, no one died. Me and your father. No one. You don't have a daughter too Autumn, and this clown person?! I don't remember anyone being a clown." My mom said. "B-but mom! I-it felt real! I know I have a daughter!" I said. "Autumn, you don't!" My mom said. "Just get more rest." My dad said. I nodded and turned to face the window.

After I heard the door close. I turned around and lifted up my gown and found stretch marks, and a big scar. I gasped. "Laughing Jack?!" I said. "Laughing Jack?!?!" I said. "Scar?!" I said. "Scar?!!!" I screamed.

I remembered about my transformation. I tried turning into my creepy pasta. I got out of bed and pulled off my needles and everything else a loud alarm went on. I ran to the door and opened the door, I ran out right away and ran to door. I ran around trying to find the staircase.

I found it and opened the door. I ran all the way downstairs to the lobby. I seen a bunch of security running after me. I was still running but slowly running out of breath. I was close to the door until I got jumped by someone. I was lifted off the ground and me screaming and kicking.

"NO! LET ME GO!! JACELYN!! SCAR!! JANE!!! SLENDER MAN!! LAUGHING JACK!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!" I screamed as the big buff guy was pulling me away and people in the waiting area staring and kids scared. "SOMEONE HELP!!" I screamed. "ELLIOT!! DELILAH!!! DAD!!" I screamed louder.

I felt a needle go into my arm and something being injected inside me. I was trying to scream but couldn't. Darkness started surrounding me and it went black everywhere.

I woke up as if it felt I was hugging myself. I looked everywhere and noticed I was in a insane asylum. I felt tired, but as if I couldn't sleep. I sighed and just sat there. The door soon opened and there stood the same man when I came here.

"Hello Ms. Silence, I see your more grown up." He said smirking. "So." I said. "Well, I just came to check on you. I see your doing pretty fine, maybe when we can let you go, we could go on a date sometime." He said. "Thanks, but no thanks." I said. "Alright, well you got visitors." He said. I nodded and got up.

I walked where the security's taking me. One of them opened the door and I was seated. Elliot, William, Delilah, Auron, Phoenix, and Julianne was sitting there.

"Mommy!" Julianne said hugging me. "Where's daddy Julianne?" I asked. "Daddy, he's at home." Julianne said. "How did you guys know?" I asked. "They called us." Elliot said. "How long was I sleeping?" I asked. "They called us about 5 weeks ago." Elliot said I nodded and looked down at Julianne.

"Julianne, where's grandpa?" I asked. "At home with daddy." I asked. "What's daddy doing?" I asked. "Daddy is always hugging a girl and hugging each other's lips, daddy forgot about you, why mommy?" Julianne asked me puckering her lips like she was going to cry.

"Daddy doesn't love me anymore Julianne... I'm very sorry.." I said hugging Julianne a bit tight. "What's love mommy?" Julianne asked. "Love.. It's something like what me and daddy used to be.." I said. "Okay, I know what love is now." Julianne said. I smiled at her.

"So, you guys got married or anything?" I asked. "I'm engaged." Elliot said. "I'm proposing soon." William said. "I have one kid right now." Delilah said. "I'm taken." Auron said. "So am I." Phoenix said.

"And me, a single mother that's stuck in an asylum." I said chuckling a little bit. "Mommy, why does daddy never come to see you?" Julianne asked. "Because, daddy doesn't remember me anymore." I said. "Why mommy?" Julianne asked.

"Because he hates me.." I said. "Bolt hates me too mommy." Julianne said. "Who's Bolt?" I asked. "Daddy's son." Julianne said sadly. "Tell daddy I hate him a lot, when I get out of here.. I'm coming to get you, okay?" I said. "Okay mommy." Julianne said kissing my cheek. I smiled.

"Visiting hours are over, come again tomorrow." Security said. They nodded. "You can come visit me tomorrow, okay Julianne? Mommy loves you." I said kissing her cheek. Julianne nodded and hugged me tightly and let go and walked away with Elliot, William, Auron, Phoenix, and Delilah.

I walked back to my room and just laid there on my bed.

Maybe I deserve to be here?

The End.

-Sequel? :3

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