Autumn and Jack's date. Chapter 11.

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AN: I'm sorry! But, I didn't wanna write this, and I know perverts want these kinda stuff, but there's a sex scene, and I'm totally gonna puke while I'm writing it! So the people that are reading this chapter, and won't like it, I prefer you wait for the next chapter, and the perverts... I don't know what you wanna do.. But here's a chapter. >.<

-Autumn's POV.

I woke up seeing Jack next to me, I smiled and kissed his head, he opened his eyes, he smiled and kissed me on the nose, I smiled. "Good morning my love." Jack said, I smiled, we both got out of bed, I grabbed a big baggy sweater and some short shorts, I walked to the bathroom and changed,

I walked out, the big baggy sweater was up to my bottom knee cap. "Damn, look at that sexy thing." Jack said checking me out, I looked down and blushed. "Hey Autumn, wanna play?" Sally asked, I smiled and nodded, we got outside and started playing dolls,

While we were in the middle of playing dolls I decided to ask her. "Hey Sally, when do you think I can change into my human form again?" "You just gotta think about you being a human, and then you'll look like your old self." Sally said, I thought about me being my old human self, I felt some sorta tingly thing, then I felt my hair go a bit shorter, and my skin going a bit darker,

I was now my old self, I smiled. "Thanks Sally." I said, she smiled and nodded, we continued to play dolls, then she got up, and walked further into the woods, I got up, and realized I was bare footed, but I didn't care, I ran towards where Sally was going,

Then we spotted a little lake, she slipped off her dress, I covered my eyes right away so I don't look at her little nude body, she got in the lake, I just looked at the water. "Autumn, why don't you just come in?" Sally asked. "I don't want too, because I don't have a towel." I said, she just nodded and started swimming around,

I decided to dip my feet in the water, and went a bit further in, I just took off my big baggy sweater, Sally covered her eyes, just in case if I had no tank top or bra under. "Sally, I got a tank top on." I said, she moved her hands from her eyes, and started playing around somemore,

I got in further, it was around my mid thigh, I decided to go swimming for a bit, I got out and took off my short shorts and tank top, and, just then, Eyeless Jack, Jacelyn, and Laughing Jack came to the lake, I grabbed the baggy sweater and slipped it on right away. "What the hell you trying to do Autumn?! Trying to show Sally it's okay to be nude?!" Jacelyn said in a joking tone, we all started laughing, Jack's face went 50 shades of red,

"Just joking Autumn, I got a bikini anyways." Jacelyn said, I looked at her all shocked. "BUT! Don't worry! Don't feel embarrassed, I just wanna go swimming so bad! Okay?! And Eyeless, if I catch you looking at my ass, you'll sleep with Masky tonight." Jacelyn said. "And Jack, if I catch you looking at my boobs, I'm taking your candy away." I said, trying not to laugh, he laughed, and nodded,

I took off my big sweater, and I was just in my black and white bra, and my black and white underwear, I blushed 50 shades of red, Jack was really staring at me, I slowly made my way to the water, and decided to play with Sally, Jacelyn jumped in, and started playing with us,

And meanwhile, the boys had boners, then, Sally wanted to get out now, so we decided to get out as well, and I walked out and grabbed my sweater and short shorts, and walked into a little bushy place, it looked beautiful, a little clearing, and a nice view, I took off my bra and underwear, just then, Jack popped out of nowhere, and snaked his arms around my waist,

I gasped and covered myself with my sweater, he laughed. "Jack! I was gonna put on my sweater and shorts!" I said, he laughed again, I sighed and slipped on my short shorts, and my sweater, since he was facing the other way,

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