Splitting up. Chapter 9

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-Jack's POV.

I heard Tyson. "Check under the coffee table." Then I heard a loud thud, I peeked my head out a little bit, it was Autumn! Autumn was knocked out, I almost got up and killed all of those police men,

"Laughing Jack, just stay still!" Slender said in my mind, I sighed quietly and hid again,

My Autumn was gone.. I knew she wasn't gonna come back.. I knew she was getting sent to live with her dad's brother or her moms sister.. My life wouldn't be complete...

"Okay, this place is clear! Tyson, Drake, your coming with us." I heard a police man, just then, I peeked my head out again, the police men were gone. "Is the coast clear Laughing Jack?" Slender said, I looked at him and nodded,

We got out from behind the couch, Ben, Herobrine, and Lost jumped out of the tv, everyone else got out of the hiding spots, I dropped to my knees and started crying. "Would you stop your crying over a dumb girl Laughing Jack, were gonna get her back, and I know we are." Slender said in my mind,

I stopped crying, and got up, I was completely incomplete, Autumn's gone..

"Jack.. We'll get Autumn back.. Don't worry, I know we will." Jacelyn said trying to cheer me up. "If it wasn't for fucking Drake and Tyson, Autumn would've still been here! I'm gonna kill those two when I see them!" I said angrily. "Jack! Calm down! We'll get Autumn back! And I know it!" Jacelyn said trying to calm me down, and it was working,

-Autumn's POV.

I woke up, it felt as if I was hugging myself.. It felt comfortable everywhere.. But my head was hurting.. My vision was blurry, I blinked a few more times, my vision got clear, I was in an insane asylum!

I got up, I walked to the door and looks through the window, it was pretty dark, I looked outside my window, it was moonlight outside,

I sighed... "Slender.. I hope you can hear me.." I said in my mind, hoping Slender will hear me, and just as I thought a miracle will happen, it didn't, Slender didn't hear me, I was too far,

I jumped to see where I was, I was near my house! I got happy, I decided to make a plan, I can try and make an escape, and if I get caught, I can try, and try,

I decided to go sleep,

-Next day.

I woke up excited, a doctor came in the room, he was a male, around his early 20's, he was, pretty tall, but not Slender man tall, he had silver eyes, and was tan,

"Hello, Mrs. Silence." He said smirking. "How'd you know my name?" I said. "It says here, they know who you are." I looked at my legs, they were my old pale skin, and my hair was red and curly, I forgot I changed into my human form.

"Your quiet a beautiful young girl.. How old are you?" He said. "Young enough for you not to have me." I said rolling my eyes. "Hmph, today, we remove your straight jacket, and your aunties coming to pick you up." The guy said, I nodded,

He removed my straight jacket, I was still in my old clothes I was wearing before I was immortal.. I sighed, the guy have me my beanie,

I put it on. "Can I just go outside and wait for her?" I asked. "Okay." He nodded, he let me outside,

I looked around to see if there were securities, there was one at the door, he kept on staring at me, until I finally spoke up. "You got something you wanna fucking say?!" I said. "You fucking emo." He said. "At least I don't fucking work as a security guard at a insane asylum." I said flipping him off,

He walked inside, great, nows my chance, I smirked.

AN: Bun Bun BUNN!! Will Autumn make the escape? xD

Is it right to love someone who's... Inhuman? (Laughing Jack fan fiction.)Where stories live. Discover now