What are you? Chapter 2.

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-Autumns POV.

As I got to my spot, there was, a pillow and a little mattress and a blanket, I laid down on the mattress and snuggled up in the blanket listening to A7X, until,

I heard a branch crack in the bushes, I got up right away, looked around,

I seen a clown, a black and white clown, he had a black and white swirly cone nose, he was wearing a stripped sleeved shirt, he had baggy black and white pants, and had clown shoes, was pale, and had shaggy hair, and had white eyes, and black dots, I-I couldn't explain,

"Hello.." The clown said smiling, he had razor sharp teeth. "H-hello.. W-who are y-you..?" I asked. "My names Laughing Jack, but please, call me L.J or Jack." Laughing Jack said still smiling. "W-what do y-you w-want?" I asked. "You, I can't believe how beautiful you are, and you get abused, and starved.." L.J said. "H-how do you k-know?" I asked. "I watch you, I can tell you get abused at home too." L.J said. "And you know, you should stop hurting yourself.."

"H-how do you.. K-know I h-hurt myself..?" "I can tell, because I can see the cuts.." I pulled down my sleeve right away,

"Come with me." L.J said, I got up slowly, and followed L.J, we were going deeper into the woods, I was getting scared, and was trying to stay calm, but I couldn't,

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you.." L.J said, in a soft calming voice, I was starting to go calm, and when we got to a tree, I leaned against it, and just did nothing else,

I barely know L.J, all I know is, he's a clown, and a creepy pasta, that's all, and I think I'm already falling for him too,

Jack looked at me. "Autumn?" He asked. "What?" "I know we've just met... But.." Jack leaned down up to my height, I felt lips on my lips, to be honest, it felt perfect,

It seemed as the whole world stopped, I kissed back, I could feel him smiling as I was kissing back,

After what seemed like forever, we both pulled back,

"Autumn.. I've been wondering.. Would you wanna be my girlfriend? I know we just met.. And all, but, I love you.. A lot.. I would stop killing just to be with you.." Jack said, I felt butterflies in my stomach, and I had a big smile on my face,

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!!!" I said, wrapping my arms around Jack's neck,

Jack kissed me on the cheeks,

I checked the time, it was 6:15. "Shit! My parents are back.." I said. "I can walk you home.." Jack said, I nodded and we started walking back, we laced our fingers together,

-Skipping walk.

We got to my door step, Jack wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed me on the lips. "I'll see you maybe tonight." Jack said after he let go, I smiled and told him good night and he walked off,

I walked inside, I seen my parents, obviously pissed off, my dad walked up to me and slapped me. "Where the fuck have you been you bitch!" My mom said. "I went out! And I lost track of time! Gosh!" I yelled. "What a fucking liar! You always have to fucking lie! Like me and your father telling you we love you!" "I wish you guys were never my parents!" I shouted. "Go to your fucking room! Or else I'll fucking kick your ass!"

I walked upstairs and went to my room, I looked at the red hand mark on my cheek, I sighed, and grabbed my batman pj's, and went layed on my bed, and turned from my side and closed my eyes, next thing I knew, I felt arms wrapped around my waist, I opened my eyes and turned around, I seen Jack, I smiled, layed my head on his chest and fell asleep like that.

-Next day.

I woke up and seen that Jack wasn't next to me, I sighed and got out of bed, and grabbed clothes and went to the bathroom and took a shower and washed up, and got out, I put on my clothes and blow dried my hair, and washed my pale face, and grabbed a towel after I was done washing,

Is it right to love someone who's... Inhuman? (Laughing Jack fan fiction.)Where stories live. Discover now