What do you mean they probably won't make it?! Chapter 16.

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-Autumn's POV.

I woke up seeing bright light everywhere, I blinked, and trying to get my focus back, then, I seen my parents.. I fell back, they both walked up to me, I covered my face in defence, then, I felt a big hand grab my arm softly, and pull me up softly as well, I got up, and next thing I knew, my parents hugged me tight, I decided to do the same,

"Autumn... We're sorry about how we treated you, and now, your up here with us." My mom said, I pulled back, and a shocked expression. "What?! No! I don't wanna be up here! I wanna go back down there! I don't.. I don't get it! I stabbed myself in the stomach! But carefully-" I was cut off by my dad. "Autumn, you went carefully, see, and I'm sorry, we're sorry, but your time is up." My dad said. "No! No! No!! My time can't be up! I have a boyfriend! Best friends! I'm gonna have my own family soon!!" I said,

"Autumn we know, your daughter will be up here with us as well, even you." My mom said. "I-I'm having.. A-a d-daughter?!" I said, my parents nodded, I put my hand on my stomach. "Your gonna be happier up here, even with grandma Mary, and grandpa Joe." My mom said. "No! I need to be down there! I have a happier life down there! Why can't you just send me down?! Eyeless's working hard! And he's trying to do everything to save me! Save your guys future son-in-law! And trying to save your grand daughter!" I shouted, my parents sighed,

I hope they send me down..

-Jack's POV.

It's been a 1 hour since Eyeless has been working up on Autumn, and it's leaving me depressed, I was gonna have my own family, but Autumn might pass now,

"Jack! Come here now!" Eyeless shouted, I got up right away, and ran to Eyeless's lab, and seen Autumn, her stomach was stitched up, and her hair was beautiful, she looked so pale, more pale,

"Jack.. Autumn might not make it, but your baby.. It's still in Autumn.." Eyeless said. "Keep on working! Come on Eyeless! Look at her! She's about to have a family! She's been through so much! Just keep on working!" I shouted at Eyeless, and crying,

Eyeless just stood there, and I was still crying, crying like a big baby, that wants his blanket back,

I need Autumn and my child..

AN: I'll make another longer one, for sure! But! 2 chapters in one day! Yay!!

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