Meeting Autumn's friends. Chapter 4.

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-Jack's POV.

I don't want Autumn to go, and I don't wanna lose her, after I got her too, yes I know. "Laughing Jack had gone hardcore to sweetness!" Well, I'm still that guy, but I swear, I'll be sweet to Autumn, after what's been happening to her when she was a young girl,

"I'll be back though, okay? I promise." Autumn said, and pecked me on the lips, and walked out, I sighed and layed on my bed, well, mine and her bed now,

I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

-Taylor's POV.

I'm scared shitless! I'm so worried about Autumn! I'm scared! I was on my bed in a ball crying hard,

I heard a knock. "Taylor? Your friends are here." It was my mom,

I seen, Jacelyn, Anton, Drake, and Tyson, walk in. "You guys heard?" "Heard what?" Jacelyn looked at me confused. "Autumn's missing! And her parents are murdered! Delilah doesn't know where she went, she said she just seen her and she disappeared! And now, police are on the search right now looking for her! I'm scared! Would've they never find her! I can't believe it! Autumn's gone!" I yelled,

Jacelyn sat next to me and hugged me trying to comfort me, soon, I heard a tap on the window, my head shot up right away, I looked at the window and I seen another rock hit the window, I got up and went to the window, and looked out, it was Autumn! But.. She was with a few people??

Autumn had a big smile on her face, I opened my window, she climbed in, so did a few other girls, and a little girl,

I ran up to Autumn and hugged her tight. "I missed you so much!" "I've been gone for about 2 hours.." She said awkwardly. "Well, you scared me! I was thinking what happened to you.." "Well.. I ran off from home, and now, I live with a few people.. But shh, don't tell anyone." We all nodded,

"Autumn.. Can we run away with you...?" Anton said. "I'll have to ask Sally." Autumn looked at the little girl. "What do you think he'll say?" "I don't know.. Probably yes.." "He'll probably say yes.." Autumn said,

I grabbed my bag and packed up a few clothes, and grabbed a few things I'm gonna need, and jumped out the window, we all got to everyone's windows and ran off into the woods behind Autumn's house, soon, we reached a big mansion.

"Autumn.. Is this where you stay now?" Drake said. "Yep, this is my new home, and now, this is your home." Autumn said, we all got inside,

-Autumn's POV.

We got inside and got to the living room, thank god Ben wasn't in the living room,

"I hope there comfortable living with creepy pastas.." I thought to myself. "I can make them get comfortable living with us." I heard a voice in my head. "Slender?!" "Yes child?" "Why are you reading my mind?!" "Because, maybe your thinking if you should've just kicked them out instead, but they seem like nice people you know Autumn?" "Slender stop being a creep on my friends!" "Okay child, I'm coming downstairs now."

Soon, Slender walked downstairs and and my friends looked at Slender scared. "JACK!!" I yelled, soon, Jack came downstairs, and seen me, he smiled big and ran up to me, he hugged me tight, and I of course hugged back,

Scar walked in the living room area. "Autumn! Your back! Jack missed you, you know." "I obviously know Scar." I smiled,

Jack kissed me on the lips, and of course, I kissed back, just then, Jill walked in and seen us kissing, she cleared her throat, me and Jack broke apart. "Go get a fucking room!" She shouted. "But we don't wanna have sex already!" "Jack! I'm only 13!" I hit him on the chest, I pecked him on the lips again,

"MASKY! HOODIE! EYELESS! SMILE DOG! SONIC! BEN! JEFF! TICCI! SILVER!" I shouted, they all came running in the living room. "Yes?" "Meet my friends, Jacelyn, Taylor, Drake, Tyson, and Anton." I said pointing to them, they all greeted each other,

It was getting late, so everyone's sleeping in the living room, well, not the creepy pastas, just my friends,

I got in bed with Jack and rested my head on his chest, last thing I heard was. "Good night Autumn.. I love you." And I dosed off.

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