Why?! Chapter 8.

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-Taylor's POV.

Today, I was gonna go back home, I missed my brother and sisters, and I know, they're worried sick right now, so I'm not gonna stay here any longer,

I sighed and packed up more of my things, and walked out, I said bye to everyone, and so on, I pretty excited to go back, I was on the trail that Autumn leaded us about 2 weeks ago? Probably,

I was walking back, and, when I was at my house, I knocked on the door, hoping that my parents were still there, someone opened the door, it was my mom, she had tears in her eyes, and hugged me super tight, I hugged her back,

She let me in, and everyone was in the living room, everyone's gasped, and they ran up to me and hugged me super tight, I was happy to be home.

"Taylor.. We gotta contact the police, they said there getting German shepherds now, so they could smell your scent.. Where you came from.." My mom said, I was in complete shock! Now, the others are gonna get found, and I'm gonna get killed! Why?!

"W-what?" I said. "Taylor, they need to find, Jacelyn, Drake, and Tyson, and if Autumn's really dead, then their just gonna have to tell the family.." My mom said. "I-I didn't see Autumn when I got lost.. We all split up in different directions, we went to go find Autumn, in the forest, but we didn't find her body anywhere.." I said, trying to protect Autumn and Jacelyn. "I'm sorry Taylor, but, they are just gonna have to find your friends.." My mom said, I nodded, and got upstairs,

I got on my phone, I called Autumn, about 2 rings, Autumn answered. "Hello? Taylor? Did you make it home? I hope you did." Autumn said. "Autumn.. You and the others need to get out now, run, run far away, the police got German shepherds and they are gonna track my scent, and once they track my scent, they are gonna find you guys.." I said. "What?!" Autumn said. "I'm sorry Autumn! I made a mistake going home! I should've just stayed there.." I said. "Taylor.. Slender said he's gonna block your scent around the mansion, so they won't track your scent around the mansion." Autumn said. "Okay.. I just don't want you getting killed.. Bye Autumn.." I said, she said Bye, I hung up,

I sighed and took a shower, I washed up and got out, I was clean, and I was home, I regret coming home, I should've stayed in the mansion.. I thought to myself,

My mom walked in and knocked on the door. "Taylor, the police are coming." She said, I nodded, my mom closed the door and walked off, I sighed, I was scared.. Please don't let them find Autumn...

-Autumn's POV.

There wasn't anything to be worried about! Slender handled it, and I'm happy, no need to be scared, well, it passed a few minutes,

There was a knock on the door, I told Ben to pause his game, he did, I told everyone to be quiet, I got up quietly, and checked through the peep hole, it was the police! A chubby police guy almost broke down the door, I ran back to the living room, I closed the door softly, and locked the door, Jack got up, and mouthed. "What's wrong?!" And I said. "The police are outside the house!" Luckily everyone was in the living room, even Sally, Tyson and Drake went outside in the back,

I was afraid, just then, the door broke open, I mouthed. "Everyone go hide!" We all went to go hide, Ben jumped into the tv, even Herobrine, and Lost, everyone went to go hide, I lift the coffee tables sheet, lucky no one was there, I shoved myself in the table softly, trying not to create noise,

I climbed up reached the top, and holding myself up, I heard banging on the door, I looked through the sheet, I seen, Ben, Herobrine, and Lost, in the tv, trying to look for a place to hide too,

The door broke open, luckily they found a place to hide, the police searched the place, I mouthed "Oh no!" After I heard the door open and slammed closed, and I heard police shouting, I was so scared! Then, I heard the couch move, and I looked down a bit, the police was trying to find someone behind the couch, luckily Slender did something. "There's no one hiding behind the couch!" The police man said, then, I heard Tyson. "Check under the coffee table." Then, I tried to not show myself, it was to late..

I felt my ankle get grabbed, and I hit my face on the hard floor and it went black..

Is it right to love someone who's... Inhuman? (Laughing Jack fan fiction.)Where stories live. Discover now