You can stay here. Chapter 21.

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-Jillian's POV.

The mansion was covered in plastic, me, Jacelyn, and Scar stood there, I ran to the mansion. "Jillian! No!" Scar said, and ran to me, I ripped off the plastic at the door, and opened the door, no one was there in the kitchen, the living room, Ben wasn't sitting on the floor playing video games,

Jack wasn't on the couch eating candy, Eyeless's lab was closed, the stairs were wrapped in plastic, I ran upstairs and ran to every room, I dropped to my knees and started crying,

Jacelyn walked up to me holding Julianne. "Come on Jillian, we can live here still." She said. "We don't even got a place to stay! All the rooms inside are wrapped in plastic! The couch is wrapped in plastic! We have a freaking infant! Where are we gonna live?! We can't live on the streets! Look at us! Were broke! We don't even know where everyone is!" I shouted. "We can live at Taylor's, rememeber?" Jacelyn said, I nodded, and stood up,

"Hey Scar?" I said looking at her. "Yeah Jilly?" She said. "Were gonna stay at a friends of ours, and your gonna have to tag along too." I said, she nodded and we walked out,

When we were halfways, I decided to say. "Why don't we just go to Selena and Marlon's house? Who cares if the police comes, Elliot lives at there house, so we can live there." I said, they all nodded, and I turned into my human form and walked to my house, we walked to the front door, and knocked,

Jacelyn passed me Julianne, I placed her on my hip, and held her close to me, then the door opened, it was Elliot, he gasped. "A-Autumn?! I thought you died!" He said. "My names not Autumn Elliot, I know you know the truth." I said. "I-I know.. I'm sorry." He said. "My names Jillian, but, can we stay here for a day or two? W-we don't have a place to stay.." I said, Elliot nodded and we walked inside the house,

"Please don't call the police Elliot." I said, Elliot nodded. "Well, I'll call Delilah, Diane, Auron, and Phoenix down." He said, I nodded, and sat down on the couch, I held Julianne against my chest. "We'll find daddy soon Julianne.." I said, then Julianne started crying, I checked her diaper, and changed her, she stopped crying,

I sighed and waiting for everyone else to come downstairs, they came downstairs. "A-Autumn?! Jacelyn?! I-I don't get it! Anton said you were dead! And said Jacelyn was in a different state!" Diane said, I sighed and handed Julianne to Jacelyn. "My names not Autumn, my names Jillian Henson, and me and my friends need a place to stay." I said. "You can stay, but who's that's baby?!" Phoenix said. "M-mine.." I said looking away, at Julianne,

"She just looks a lot like you.." Auron said. "What's her name?" Elliot said. "Her names Julianne Henson.." I said, holding Julianne, they all stared at her. "Who's the father?" Delilah said. "H-he's gone.." I said looking at her. "I-I don't know where he went, h-he just disappeared one day." I said, they just nodded,

I miss my daddy..

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