New love? Chapter 6

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-Jacelyn's POV.

It's been 2 days since Autumn transformed into a creepy pasta, today, I was gonna transform into a creepy pasta, and I'm a bit scared you know?

I gave Anton one last kiss on the lips, he wrapped his arms around my waist, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "I guess this is a good bye forever.." I said. "Always remember.. I love you.." Anton said to me. "I want you to move on and find someone else, date anyone you want, I can't stop you.." I said.

"Come on child, it's time." Slender said, I let go of Anton and walked into his office, next thing I knew, it was dark everywhere,

-Next day.

I woke up. "How do I look?" Was the first thing I said, Slender gave me a full length mirror,

I had a sweater with no hoodie with black and white, jet black hair, up to my hips, and black converse, and black skinny jeans, I smiled. "You look beautiful.." Eyeless said, I looked down and blushed. "You did a good job Slender." Autumn said. "No problem child." Slender said,

"Slender, can me and Autumn go on a date? Please?" I heard Jack say, I looked up. "Just don't get out of the woods, just stay around the mansion, if you get Autumn caught, there's a slight chance we all get caught, and we get put into a place for monsters, or whatever." Slender said.

"Jack, treat Autumn right, I don't wanna see her crying, and saying you broke up with her." I said. "Don't worry Jacelyn, Autumn is all I want." Jack said, Autumn looked down,

"Hey Anton, do you wanna be a creepy pasta too?" Autumn asked Anton, he shook his head no. "Autumn, I can't change all immortal people in this mansion to not immortal, I'm gonna pretty weak, and when I'm pretty weak, I die, and everyone in the mansion dies, even Sally, I'm sorry Autumn, I know you want Anton and Jacelyn to be together, but I can't just let you and Jacelyn die right away." Slender said, Autumn nodded,

"Well... Slender, do you think if I go home, the police are gonna ask me where Autumn, Jacelyn, Taylor, Tyson, and Drake is? Since I've been missing for about a week now." Anton said. "Just don't give them any hints or anything child, just tell them you got lost in the woods, but didn't find Autumn, Jacelyn, Taylor, Drake and Tyson, and you didn't see any prints or anything." Slender said. "Alright, I'm gonna go home.." Anton said and walked out,

I sighed, and got up, I walked out of the office and went to the living room, I seen Clockwork with Toby. "Hey guys." I said. "Hey Jacelyn." Clockwork said. "You look beautiful Jacelyn." Toby said, Eyeless walked to the living room and heard Toby, Eyeless growled at Toby,

I had a confused look on my face, Eyeless noticed, and stopped growling, Ben was still playing games, along with Scar, I smiled at them, then I started to realize, I don't even miss Anton, I don't like him, or anything like that,

"Hey Jacelyn?" Eyeless said to me, I looked at Eyeless. "Yeah Eyeless?" I said. "Can you come with me somewhere first?" He asked me, I nodded.

-Eyeless Jack's POV.

Now was my chance to ask out Jacelyn, since she wasn't immortal now, and immortal and not immortal can't be together,

Me and Jacelyn were outside, watching Jeff play with Sally. "So.. What did you need?" Jacelyn asked. "Uhmm.." I said, I looked at her, and she was looking at me, I took off my mask and crashed my lips onto her lips, I felt something tense on her lips, she kissed back,

"Eww!! Look Jeff!!" I pulled back from Jacelyn right away, Jacelyn's face was red, I put on my mask and ran inside and ran straight to my room, and slammed it and locked it,

Thoughts kept on running through my mind. "How could she like me? I'm ugly underneath this mask.." "How could she like a boy who wears a mask all the time?" "Why would she like me back? She obviously still has feelings for Anton."

I heard a knock on my door, I got up and walked to the door and opened it, it was Jacelyn, she went closer to me and took off my mask and kissed me again, I pulled her in a bit, she closed the door with her foot, we got on my bed, until it finally hit me,

"Are we dating? Or just friend with benefits?" I asked. "Dating.." Jacelyn said. "Let's go announce it then, not just randomly make babies and then tell the entire mansion about you having kids." I said,

Jacelyn got off me, and we walked out of my room, and went to the living room where everyone was. "Guys? Me and Jacelyn have something to announce.." I said. "What is it?" Jane said. "Me and Jacelyn is dating." I said, everyone congratulated us,

"Guys! The news is on!" Ben said,

The news lady said. "Anton Fiddler has been found, he is not harmed, but claims he has not found the 5 missing teens, police are still on the search, Anton Fiddler claims that Autumn Silence might be dead, and Jacelyn Rae must be in another state, and Tyson Wren is kidnapped, so is Drake Meekis and Taylor Meekis, police are looking in every abandoned buildings, looking for the missing teens, this is your news porter Linda."

"Well, were right here dumb shit!" Autumn yelled at the tv, Jack laughed and kissed her on the cheek,

"Children, time for bed, we got training for the 2 new pastas." Slender said, we all got upstairs, and in our rooms,

"Eyeless?" I heard Jacelyn's voice, I looked back. "Could I sleep in your room tonight?" She asked, I nodded, we got into my room, she turned to her side facing me, I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling me closer to her, I removed my mask and kissed her on the forehead. "Sleep well.." I said to Jacelyn, she drifted off to sleep.

AN: Hopefully I updated 2 chapters in 1 day, yay! Eyeless is now dating Jacelyn, and Jacelyn is now a creepy pasta, but sad Jacelyn and Anton aren't together now right? Well, it's 2:17 in the morning here, where I'm from, I better sleep now.

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