But I'm tired.. Chapter 5

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-Autumn's POV.

It's been a few days, police are still on the search for me, and the others, so far, we've never went home,

"Autumn, we should go on the run." Jack said. "For what?" I asked. "To go get your clothes." Jack said. "I can't run anymore.. After those times just running, and running, I'm just.. Tired, I can't run no longer.." I said. "Autumn, please?" "Jack no, would've the police are just there still investigating?" I asked him, Jack sighed and got up,

I sighed and got up too and walked out of the room, I bumped into Scar. "Hey Scar." I said. "Hey Autumn." She said. "So what's up?" I asked. "Not much, I got good news too." She said happily. "What is it?" I asked. "Me and Ben are dating!" She said happily. "Congratulations!" I said. "Oh and Slender wants you in his office." She said, I nodded,

I walked to Slender's door and knocked. "Come in child." Slender said, I walked in. "Ahh, there you are, if your gonna be with Laughing Jack, I'm gonna have to transform you into a creepy pasta as well, because, immortal and not immortal can't be together." Slender said, I nodded biting my lip. "So how are you gonna turn me into a creepy pasta?" I asked. "Oh you'll see." Next thing I seen darkness surround me,

-1 day later.

I woke seeing, Drake, Anton, Jacelyn, Tyson, Taylor, Scar, Slender, and Jack around me,

Jack had a big smile on his face, he hugged me so tight, after a few minutes later, he let go of me. "You look so beautiful!!" Jacelyn said to me. "How do I even look like?" Slender grabbed a big mirror,

I looked at myself, I had, blue hair, with a few purple strips, and I was paler, then I was before, I had a black and purple stripped sweater, I had a skirt on, it was black and purple stripes as well, I smiled at the thought, and I had a bow, and a arrow, and I was wearing knee high converse, my eyes were the same as Jack's, and I had red lips, some sorta red lipstick, it wasn't though, it felt like I was wearing a corset, I looked at the zipper on my sweater, I unzipped it, and it seen a black and purple corset, I smiled,

"Your soooo beautiful, my beautiful Autumn." Jack said smiling and wrapping his arms around my waist, I kissed him on the lips. "If you guys are gonna go make Jack babies, I prefer you do it in the room." Slender said. "I'm only 13!" I said smiling, the others started laughing,

I walked out and walked to the living room, seeing Ben playing games by himself, and Masky eating cheesecake by himself, I sat next to Masky. "What's up?" I said to him. "Just eating cheesecake, who are you?" He said. "I'm Autumn! You don't remember me?" *gasps.* "Autumn?! You don't even look like you!" Masky said, I smiled and started laughing. "Since Immortal and not Immortal can't be together, Slender transformed me, and here I am." I said. "You look beautiful by the way." Masky said, Jack growled at him. "As a friend!" Masky said, Jack stopped growling, and watched Ben play games,

I got up and walked to Jack and sat on his lap, he smiled. "I missed you so much.." Jack said. "How long was I.. You know?" "1 day." Jack said, I was in complete shock. "Is that how long?!" I said, Jack nodded his head,

I felt tired again, after a bunch of running, I was in training. "Are you still tired?" Jack said, I nodded. "Well.. I wanted to take you on a date, but never mind." Jack said. "But I'm tired.." I whined. "Just go to sleep Autumn, I'll let you sleep." Jack said, I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

AN: Sorry for not updating! I've been busy! So yee, I'll be updating on my other fanfiction! Hope you enjoyed this one!

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