Your dead! Chapter 12.

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-Jack's POV.

I hope Autumn didn't feel what happened.. The condom broke... Now she might get pregnant! She's only 13! I hope she isn't pregnant!

I sighed and got out of bed, Autumn was already out of bed, I walked out of me and Autumn's room, and went to the living room, and seen Autumn and Scar sitting on couch, while Autumn's eating skittles, and Scar's playing games,

"Hey babe." I said and sat next to Autumn wrapping my arms around her waist, she giggled. "Good morning." She said, and poked my cone nose, I smiled at her and kissed her on the lips gently, she kissed back, until Scar cleared her throat. "You guys go have sex in the bushes again." She said, Autumn blushed 50 shades of red. "How did you know?!" I said. "Oh, whaleeeee, Eyeless told me.." She said. "God damn it! He wasn't supposed to tell!" I said, Scar started laughing,

Jill walked in angry, oh shit.. "You fucked this fat worthless pig?!" She said, she almost stabbed Autumn, then, Slender walked in the living room, and hit Jill with his long arms, Jill went flying to the wall, and she was knocked out,

Slender sighed. "Laughing Jack, Autumn's only 13, and your about a hundred years old! You know you shouldn't have had sex, she.. Shemightbepregnant." Slender said fast at the last part, he sighed. "What? Say it slowly Slender." I said. "She............. Might................ Be........... Pregnant.." Slender said, this time slowly. "Slender, I need to talk to you in private please.." I said, he nodded, and I let go of Autumn and walked outside with him,

"So.. What did you wanna talk about Laughing Jack?" He asked. "Well.. You know about Autumn loosing her virginity, but, the condom broke, and she might be pregnant, we can't just take her to the hospital and then get her checked out, unless one of us go to the near by drug store and buy pregnancy tests." I said, Slender sighed. "Well, you go buy her the pregnancy tests, your her boyfriend." He said, I sighed and nodded,

I changed into my human form and walked out to the near by drug store and walked in, I grabbed about 5 pregnancy tests, and paid for it, the lady at the cash register gave me a weird look because of me buying pregnancy tests, although I do look like a teenager, and I'm like, 107 years old, and Autumn's 13,

I walked back to the Slender mansion, and walked in the mansion, Scar had angry look on her face, and Eyeless was holding Jacelyn down. "Jack!! You fucking bitch!!!" Scar yelled and ran to me, Ben speared her and held her down,

"Slender told us!!" Jacelyn said, as she was trying to get out of Eyeless's tight grip. "Autumn's not pregnant! Don't worry! I'm sure!" I yelled, Autumn came downstairs, she looked at me, and walked to me. "I bought your pregnancy tests Autumn, but don't worry, it won't be positive." I said, Autumn nodded and took the bag and went back upstairs to the bathroom.

-5 minutes later.

-Autumn's POV.

It past 5 minutes, it was time to check on those tests thingy, I walked to the bathroom, and checked on them,

And it was..

AN: Cliffhanger! I think that's what they call it. xD well, I'm gonna be writing the next chapter, but I'm sorry, it's gonna be short, so yeah, I'm sorry. ;-; BUT! I love ya guys, and thanks for 200 readers! :)

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