Liar and a cheater. Chapter 20.

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- Jillian's POV.

I woke up to hearing my daughter screaming, I sighed and got up, and went to the crib and picked up Julianne, I changed her diaper and fed her, she fell back asleep, I went back to bed, until I noticed Jack was gone, I got up and opened the door softly,

I was walking through the hallways, until.. I heard something like the bed rocking? And moaning? And someone screaming Jack's name? What?! I followed that noises until it was getting louder and louder,

It was Jill's room?! I slammed the door open, and it was.... Jack and Jill?! (Quick note: oh god. xD) "Jack?!" I said with tears in my eyes. "H-how could you?!" I said. "Jillian, it isn't what it seems like.." He said. "Go ahead! Fuck her somemore! I don't care! I'm going into my dad's room!" I shouted with tears in my eyes, and ran out. "Jillian!" He shouted,

I ran faster and faster, and got into Jack's room, I picked up Julianne softly and got out, I bumped into Jack. "Jillian.. Please!" He said. "Fuck you Jack! You shouldn't have fucked Jill! Go and make a baby with her! And then ditch her just like you did to me!" I said, and walked off with Julianne,

I knocked on my dad's door, and he opened it. "Jillian?! What's wrong?!" He said. "J-Jack c-cheated on m-me with j-Jill.." I said crying, and holding Julianne tightly, dad hugged me and let me in his room. "I'll have a talk with Jack tomorrow morning, first thing I'm gonna do." He said, I nodded. "Thanks dad." I said smiling softly. "Lucky we have a crib in here too." He said, I laughed softly, and put Julianne in there, and crawled into bed with my dad and fell asleep,

-Next morning.

I woke up with my dad still sleeping, I got out of bed, and walked to Julianne's crib, and looked down at her, she was wide awake, I smiled at her, she exactly looked like me, she smiled back at me, I picked her up slowly and went downstairs with her,

I walked into the kitchen and looked at everyone, and seen a seat next to Jacelyn, it was empty, I sat down next to her, and Eyeless just whined. "Buuutt Jilliaaaannnn, Jacelyn's mineeee." "Oh Eyeless, you get to have her every night, I need a place to sit, come on, I got a infant." I said bouncing Julianne a little bit, causing her to smile, Eyeless laughed and went to go sit next to Jack,

"What's going on between you and Jack?" Jacelyn said to me. "I'll tell you later, let's go outside when were done." I said, Jacelyn nodded and started eating, I started eating as well, then put my dish away and fed Juliane, and decided to dress her up since I wanna take her outside today,

"Let's just go to the lake.." I said, Jacelyn nodded, and we started walking to the lake, and sat down. "So what's going on between you and Jack?" She said as we were sitting on the dry mud, I sighed. "Last night, I caught Jack cheating on me, and I started to notice some things going on between him.. A-and Jill, b-because.." I couldn't finish, I burst out crying, Jacelyn hugged me. "It's okay.. You can continue later, I can wait.." She said. "That fucker!" We looked behind and seen Scar,

"That fucker has been fucking Jill behind your back?!" She said, I nodded. "He has a fucking family! He shouldn't be doing that! Some guy he is! He needs to learn how to grow the fuck up!" She said. "Jillian let's go now, I'll carry Julianne." Jacelyn said, I nodded, and we got up, and Jacelyn picked up Julianne and we started walking back to the Mansion,

And we couldn't believe it..

AN: Cliffhanger! Sorry, I'll be writing right after this chapter!

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