Packages and wounds not tended by bandages

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Marinette said the words and magical pink light surrounded her body. When it was gone she was covered in the usual red spandex that was pretty much invisible. She felt stronger, powerful even! But something kept her on the ground.

It was her fear of leaving it.

She looked at her wings which felt muscular now, not brittle as they had been before. She raised them above her body, stretching them out and flexing them, but she still had her feet glued to the floor.

Yes, she had flown in the past. In fact she was rather good at flying, which surprised her. But that was when Chat was with her. Oddly enough, when he was with her, she felt it was easier to fly. And less terrifying as well. She had faith in him they her wouldn't let her fall. Because she always had the fear that one day Tikki wouldn't be able to make her fly, and she would fall to the streets of Paris as a flightless Ladybug.

She took a deep breath.

"I won't be up their to long. Just hand him the gift, tell him it's from Marinette, and get back down as fast as possible. Simple as that. "She said to herself, clutching the gift tightly to her chest. She closed her eyes, thinking of Adrien.

Her eyes fluttered open and her robust wings spread abruptly. With one foul swoop, she had carried herself out of the alley and into the sky. Dozens of people where up their, she wasn't used to flying with that many civilians. For she only flew as ladybug, and when ladybug was out, people were hiding from an akuma. So this change made it slightly more difficult to maneuver.

She also hadn't realized that their was certain "airways" to flying in, similar to a road. And Ladybug found it strenuous to learn how it worked so quickly. She called herself down and looked around her. She flew higher than her comfort zone and looked about her surroundings.

People. People. More people. No Adrien.

She growled in bitterness. She flew above the airways, ignoring the boards of fan groups snapping photos of her, or chasing after. But being a super heroine made her fast, so escaping them was easy. She strained her vision, searching for the blonde haired boy with green, black, and white wings.

Well she didn't find him. But she did see Chloe. That brat. She restrained herself from doing anything irrational as she flew closer to the irritating girl. She flew above Chloe on the airway.

The girl was texting while flying. And illegal move but whatever. LadyBug rapped her shoulder. Chloe crowned her neck in a scowl to see who dared touch her perfect blouse, only to see her absolute idol. Ladybug. Her face lit up and she pulled herself out of the airway, like pulling over on the road in a car.

"OMG Ladybug!!! I'm a huge FAN!" Chloe took a selfie with Ladybug while blabbing on, as LadyBug's ears felt like falling off.

"That's very nice erm... Chloe." Ladybug said in a flat tone.

"You know who I am! Oh my gosh!" Chloe spun around.

"Yep. You are the mayors daughter and on TV all the time." Ladybug pushes her away as nicely as she could, but wanted to unleash a dozen hungry lions on her in the inside.

"You watch me on-"

"Let me cut to the chase. I saw you were just with a boy, Adrien Agreste. I need to know where he is" Ladybug said.

"My Adriekins? Oh yes I know where he is! He's pretty much my boyfriend." Chloe places her hands in her hips proudly. Ladybugs spirit dropped a little.

So Adrien did in fact love Chloe. What was the point of even giving him the gift. Chloe eyed the present in Ladybug's arms.

"Ooh a present? It is his birthday. Here just give it to me and I'll make sure he gets it!" Chloe reaches for it. Ladybug pulled it back.

Wings ~ Miraculous AU Where stories live. Discover now