A misunderstanding but our friendship everlasting

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"Violet!" LadyBug exclaimed, now recognizing who the girl was under the mask. 

"Isn't she supposed to be like... not a hippie?" Chat Noir spoke, not looking at LadyBug but instead at Manifestante. 

"I guess we don't know her that well." LadyBug murmured. 

"I'm not Violet any more! That girl was too aggressive and unruly! I'd prefer you to call me, MANIFESTANTE!" Manifestante shouted and raised her baton. A colorful blast blossomed out of the end, aimed straight fro Chat Noir. LadyBug squeezed him in her arms as she raised her good wing to block it. 

"LadyBug wait!" ChatNoir tried to stop her but the beam of light had already struck her wing.

"It's ok. I can't be any more of whatever I am from that blast than I am now." LadyBug cooed. 

"I just..." He looked over her wing at Manifestante who was beating her leathery wings fiercely with fuming anger.

"Feel protective?" LadyBug offered. "I'm ok Chaton." LadyBug smiled genuinely. They heard the shrill laughter of Manifestante as she neared the heroes in the sky. "I have a plan." Ladybug said as Chat Noir dodged a few more of the Akuma's blasts. 

"I'm-" He ducked down from another beam of light. "I'm all ears." He continued as he led Manifestante away from the school, with LadyBug in his arms. 

"Place me lower than you. If I can pretend to fly, then we might be able to trick Manifestante into believing I'm healed. If I can also act like I'm attacking her minions, she might just think I'm back to normal." LadyBug explained.

"I see what you're saying." Chat nodded. LadyBug smiled up at him again. Then she grabbed her yoyo, which was useless, and tied it around her waist. 

"I need to hold my yoyo. I'm going to jump on three." LadyBug commanded.

"Wait what if-"

"I'll be fine. She said and shoved the string of the yoyo into his grasp. "One... Two... THREE!" She jumped out of his arms as he reluctantly let go. She got scared suddenly that she might pull Chat Down with her, or that he wasn't holding the yoyo firmly enough. But to her surprise, she was abruptly suspended in the air, a little ways behind Chat Noir from the lower draft of wind. "It worked!" She seemed amazed by even her own words. 

Spreading her wings, she created the illusion of flight. When in reality she was being towed behind Chat Noir, who heald the other end of the yoyo gingerly. She looked behind her to see that Manifestante was not too far behind. 

"LadyBug!" She growled. Her minion arm had joined her in the sky, forming a protective circle around Manifestante. "Chat Noir! I see through your tricks! Everything about you is a lie! Marine-"

Chat had extended his staff to hit her in the face before she could say LadyBug's name. Manifestante screamed some curse words, rubbing her eye in pain. She looked up, squinting. 

Chat rounded a corner and made a loop around Manifestante and her minions. The pacifists made something like a giant group hug to protect their master. Chat dove down which of course meant LadyBug followed. She pretended to wack and punch at the minions, with no actual intention of hitting them. Chat Noir did the same, accept actually was hitting them. Not too hard though, because they were just civilians.

"H-how is this possible!" Manifestante bellowed. 

"Magic!" LadyBug said as Chat Noir swooped back into the sky. They took another sharp cut down to the earth, like a bird of prey picking for mice in a field. The Akuma wailed in frustration, as she aimed her blasts at LadyBug repetitively. Of course, she was struck again and again, but the heroin spandex, LadyBug, was unharmed. 

They neared Manifestante. "It's too late! Our magic protects us! Your rein is over Manifestante!" LadyBug smirked. Manifestante's eyes grew wide as LadyBug got close enough to snatch her baton.

"NO!" She gasped and flew after them, but LadyBug had already broken it. A little black butterfly emerged from her staff, and into the air filled with its dark aura. Ladybug and Chat Noir landed on a roof. LadyBug untied her yoyo, which had been wrapped around her waist like a snake or cord, and spun it in the air, capturing the Akuma. 

"No more evil-doing for you little Akuma." She smirked. "Time to de evilize!"


"Let's stop the war!" Chloe imitated Violet the next day. "Make peace! Not war!" She cackled. Violet looked as if she were trying to shrink into herself.

"Leave me alone Chloe." She said, tears brimming her eyes.

"Good idea. I wouldn't want to get pacifist all over me." Chloe said, wrinkling her nose in disgust. Sabrina snickered next to her, as the to pretended to wipe off the filth from their clothes. 

"Oh, so you are afraid of getting my unwillingness to fight all over you." Violet raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Here!" She rubbed her hands in both the girl's hair, making them shriek. 

"Ew ew ew get it off get it off!" Chloe wailed as she bolted away from Violet, with Sabrina at her tail like a puppy to a leash. 

"I was gonna step in but..." Marinette suddenly appeared at Violet's side. "It seems you had the situation under control."

"Funny thing is, I'm not even a pacifist." Violet shrugged and began to head her way to their next class. 

"I'm sorry about yesterday, you know?" Marinette followed her. Alya caught up to them.

"Wait if you're not a pacifist, then why were you saying those things?" Alya blurted out loud. Violet shrugged.

"I guess I just don't like war." She said simply as they trodded upstairs. 

"Pfft. Does anybody?" Alya snickered. Violet ignored her.

"Well, you know me and Rose are adopted, right?" Violet asked and the two girls nodded. "My dad died in war. I think my mom abandoned me from her heartbreak, but the adoption center just said that I was too hard for her to handle. I was a baby."

"I..." Marinette seemed a bit surprised. "I had no idea."

"Didn't expect you too. Me and Rose have a couple of sisters, all of them adopted. We have two dads, just don't tell anyone ok?" Violet lowered her voice. "All of us are named after flowers. Hence, Tulip, Rose, Lilly, and me, Violet." 

"That's um... Interesting." Marinette had a feeling that Violet was trying to change the subject. But she didn't push her. The entered the classroom and took their seats. 

The entire day was strange but normal. People were a little shaken by what had happened yesterday but acted as if nothing had changed. They acted like it was normal, and everything was fine.

They acted like no one was going to die. 

When Marinette got home, she felt tired, weak, and exhausted. But she managed to have a small conversation with her parents, and walk upstairs and head to the bathroom. She unwrapped her bandaged wing and look at it with fear. 

It was still black. Or black-ish. The speckled dots upon her feathers and singed burnt places made her wing itself look like a war zone decorated in pink. 

"I know what your thinking." Tikki finally came out of Marinette's purse.

"What?"Marinette asked blankly, trying to cover her own emotions.

"You think everything is your fault, and everything is terrible, and that none of this would have happened if it weren't for you." Tikki folded her arms.

"Yes but-"

"Well guess what? Life sucks!" Tikki actually seamed angry. Furious even. "But that's what happens. Nothing is ever the way we wanted it, nothing goes our way. But Marinette, you can't blame yourself."

"I wish I could but..." She was interrupted by the sound of rain splashing against the roof outside. 

"Chat Noir will be here soon, and you are going to tell him the TRUTH!" Tikki scolded.

"What?! I can't reveal my identity!" Marinette gasped.

"Then tell him how you really feel, even if you need to become LadyBug." 

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