You Fell in a Hole Now You Must Pay the Tole

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LadyBug was followed by Chat Noir on the chase through the city. With every person they found they informed to evacuate through the south end, seeing as the cross between France and the UK was too dangerous. They even went as far as breaking into people's houses just to get them out. They started out rough, but as people began to realize that the sky was red and the world around them was crumbling, they obeyed the teenage superheroes. They just hoped it was ok on the south end as they neared the American intrusion. 

They hardly had time to talk to each other, Chat and LadyBug. Even a simple hello was interrupted by the screams of Parisian citizens. But they took no notice, for things began to worsen. Mayor Bourgois threw a tantrum basically and went Live on television to rant about it. He kept reassuring everything was fine, then gave a dozen reasons why it was not. Clear as mud. 

So, with fake news in their heads, some of the people decided it was a false alarm. The smart ones took notice of the open fire above, and the already dead bodies in the streets. If only there was a more humane way to deal with the situation.

"I don't know if we-" Chat was cut off by the ground caving in beneath him. They had both been standing on a rooftop, and now found themselves in a pit. A modified pit. It was a trap, and the top of the long thin tunnel was sealed shut. 

LadyBug found herself alone in one pit, with Chat in another. How did it happen? They could only guess it was the American's, or perhaps some other force's way of getting rid of the only "magical" or powerful hand. Them. 

"You alright?" Chat Noir called for his lady. LadyBug took a moment to realize they had been separated. 

"I-I'm f-fine." She slowly got up to her feet. She called her lucky charm which gave her a flash light to light up the area. "Where are you?"

"In a hole." Chat stated the obvious. "You?"

"In a hole." LadyBug shook her head with a sigh. "What even happened."

"Pretty sure, we dug ourselves into a sticky situation." Chat heald back a laugh. LadyBug facepalmed. 

"Can we stop joking around? We have to get out of here!" LadBug looked up at the mouth, which had a closed hatch. Chat took a while to respond.

"Um, M'lady?" He asked with a shaky voice. 

"Still here," LadyBug responded. 

"I don't think we had it all correct. You know, with who is actually bombing Paris." He said in a serious tone. 

"What do you mean?" LadyBug asked. 

"Well, look at the walls. These markings are..." Chat paused for a moment as LadyBug looked at the walls of the hole. She too made the same connection as Chat. 

"The underground." Was all she said.

Dudes, I feel really uncomfortable with throwing actual countries you may live in around and making you feel bad about it or whatever. I know I haven't gotten any negative feedback but I'm doing this just to be sure. I made up a civilization so deal with it lol


"But what about the Americans? We saw the flag! We heard their voices!" LadyBug exclaimed. 

"I don't know." Chat's voice was fainter. 

"Wait, isn't Lila Rossi, I mean... Vopina part Underground? If that's so then this could all be an illusion, none of this may be true." LadyBug looked down at her feet where the markings of the lost underground lay.  

"Yes but Rena has the-"

"Miraculous? Yes but Hawkmoth still... oh sh*t."

"Language captain." Chat interrupted. 

"Rena was never with us." LadyBug ignored him. "She was Vopina masking herself. I'm sure of it now, that's why Electro was fooled so easily by the illusion because he was fake too. And she was so eager to get the miraculous, and not quick to bring it to hawkmoth because she wasn't working with him." LadyBug's eyes went wide. "We have to get out of here." 

"That's... um wow." Chat stuttered. LadyBug traced her fingers along the edge of the walls. "I'm gonna detransform soo-" LadyBug heard the familiar sound of magic being uplifted from the jewel. Chat was now, in his civilian form and she couldn't even see him. But did she really want to? 

"You good?"

"Well I just realized it was dark in here, and I don't have night vision. And... AAH, SOMETHING JUST TOUCHED ME! Oh, wait... It's just Plagg." He sounded a little bit more vulnerable. LadyBug hadn't even noticed she was detranforming as well, leaving her as Marinette. 

"I'm out too." She said, now that her flashlight was gone she was left in the pitch-black darkness. "Now what? Our kwami's are too tired to power us again."

"The walls are wide enough to almost stretch my wings out. I know yours are smaller than mine, so we should be able to fly out to the top... perhaps." He said from the other side. 

"Um..." Marinette looked down at her own pink wings, now fully healed but utterly useless. The black from Chat's cataclysm still remained a permanent scar. "Probably not, you'd need more room and stuff. We'll have to climb."

"The walls are to narrow." He made a loud grunt before making a loud crashing sound. "Ouch... I can fly, but you have to stay real steady. Don't let your tips hit the wall at all or you'll um.. fall."

"There has to be another way." Marinette touched the wall, facing the direction of his voice. Tikki coughed beside her weakly, as well as the dragon kwami, curling up to her neck in exhaustion. 

"To climb out, you'd need two people since the walls are too far apart. Flying is our best option." Marinette heard him fall to the ground again, still attempting to fly. "Hey, I got farther that time. We can do this, trust me."

"I..." Marinette pinched her wings in anguish, only to feel nothing as always. She even stepped o them, bashing up the feathers in a storm of range. All the while crying silently to herself. "So... stupid." She whispered. 

"Your LadyBug," Tikki hovered in front of her face. "Your smart, you can get out. Please, don't beat yourself up."

"I can't." Marinette's lip trembled. She heard Chat fall to the ground again. 

"Yes, you can m'lady. I know you can." Chat encouraged, all the while continuing to fall with every attempt he made. 

"You don't understand Chat!" Marinette wanted to scream. 

"But I do. If you would let me. If it's about our identities, I promise not to look at you when we get out." Chat said, softening his voice. 

"That's sweet, but... It's different." Marinette slumped to her knees helplessly. Chat was quiet for a while after that. Marinette began to feel guilty until he cried out in oy.

"I got to the top!"He announced proudly. "M'lady?" 

"Still at the bottom." She sighed. 

"I can help you, and I'll close my eyes." He replied. She heard the sound of the hatch door breaking on the other side. "You have to let me."

"Chat... It's different. I would let you see me if I were someone else. I keep everything a secret so my family and friends stay safe, but this is different than that. Me? I'm useless, helpless even." Marinette sighed. "Go find Carapace and get Rena... Vopina away from him."

"I'm not leaving you." Was all he said. "I'm breaking the door open now."

Marinette let out a sigh. "You don't have to close your eyes. Hopefully, you'll understand." She said as she curled up, shutting her own eyes. She didn't know if he wanted her to see him or not. She heard him hit the hatch a few times before it busted open. 

"...Marinette?" Was all he said. She heard him slowly climb down the hole. Now he stood next to her little heap of a body on the ground. "Are you ok?"

Marinette felt a tear roll down her cheek as Chat pulled her into his embrace. He hugged her, without words. Slowly Marinette willed herself to open her eyes.

"Adrien." She smiled. His eyes seemed to sparkle as he smiled back at her. 

"Nice to finally know you." He joked, making Marinette laugh a little. "Your gonna be all right." 

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