She is she and him to thee

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Yo. It's the author who breaks the fourth wall to many times. I felt so uninspired to write this book but like, as soon as I published the last chapter I got like, instantly 20 people to read it without warming on just that chapter. So I guess you guys like it eh? Thank you all so much, I promise I will continue this, even if it's starting to feel bland (which it is at the moment). Alright bye! Marvel Peter Parker out!

The ground caved in and Marinette instantly felt herself submerged in nasty waters. This couldn't actually be happening! She thought as she struggled to surface the top through endless debris. She had hit her head on the bottom, which caused her to lose her breath. She just hoped Chat was alright...

Her hands found a wall which she used to rise her head above the surface, gasping for air. She choked up some water, unfortunately the sickening taste of sewer, and the thought of what it had come from, was still in her mouth.

"Ch-chat?" She called shakily. Her head was throbbing in pain as she craned her neck around to find him. "Ch-chat?" She continued. She looked down upon herself, cursing that she had been robbed of the miraculous and was just a sitting duck, without Tikki, or her powers.

"Ladybug!" A voice called from the distance. Probably just around the corner.

"I-I'm sorry Chat! This is all my fault. I'm de transformed, and he has the miraculous." She wailed.

"Don't take all the blame. I'm supposed to be able to protect us." He groaned. Marinette lifted herself above the water, and rolled wearily into the cement wall next door o her.

"Do we have a back up plan?" She asked.

"Yes but we can't get them." Chat referred to Rena Rouge, and Carapace. "M'lady... we might need to see each other to get out of here."

"No not yet!" Marinette blurted. "I... I have Rena's phone number. I.. I know her in real life." Marinette said as she frantically opened her purse with trembling fingers.

"Wait really?" Chat seemed shocked. "Does she know?"

"No. But it's a risk I'm willing to take." Marinette said bravely, grabbing her phone, silently praying it still worked.

Luckily it did, thank goodness iPhones were water proof. People need to stop bashing all over them while their phone cracks as soon as your finger nail touches the surface. She went to her contacts and pulled up Alya's number.

"Here it goes." She said as she pressed call.


"That was gross." Nino said as Alya continued to stuff her face with Mayonnaise.

"Hey, I never back down from a dare." She said, barely able to keep from gagging.

"Please don't swallow it, this was a bad dare on my part." Nino pleaded. Alya gulped.

"It's-" she almost purged. "F-fine." She looked a sickly shade of green. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. "Hold on Nino, some one is calling me."

If there was something to say about Alya, it was that she never didn't answer her phone.

She pulled the devise out of her pocket, to see it was Marinette who was calling her. "Your nuts girl" she said under her breath as she answered. "Wassup? Trying to interrupt my da- I mean working... progress... again?"

"There's no time to explain. I am not Marinette, but LadyBug. Me and Chat Noir need Rena Rouge right now. Paris is in danger!" Marinette answered which made Alya confused.

"Sure sounds like you. This is a prank right?" Alya asked smoothly.

"No! If you can find Carapace tell him to head towards the Arc De Triomphe! Hurry, we don't have much time." Marinette informed.

"Wait... your really LadyBug?! OMG I GET TO GO ON A MISSION!" Alya squealed. Nino raised an eyebrow. "I uh.., I mean.... of course I will help you with... your... chemistry homework?" Marinette had hung up. Alya cursed herself for being to obnoxious.

"What was tha-" Alya interrupted Nino.

"Marinette needs me to help her with chemistry. Bye." Alya rushes out the door, but Nino had a feeling he knew what was really going on...

I'm sorry it is short. I was rushed. Byeeee

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