Live guilty or die without faulty

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Marinette was barely able to stand up on the sewer line pavement. She smelled absolutely disgusting and wanted to barf. Her head was spinning, and her eyes felt heavy. She swayed to close to the water, then rammed herself back into the wall with a loud groan.

"You ok M'lady?" Chat's voice asked, echoing through the pipes.

"All, good." She slurred on her words as if they were too hard to hold, slipping between her fingers like soap. "We need to find a way out, without seeing each other. Rena will be here soon, and we can't risk her knowing as well. 

"... Why do you want to keep secrets from each other?" Chat asked after a long pause. Marinette pursed her lips. "It wouldn't change much really, and knowing who we are could help us in battle. Especially if we needed to warn each other of something."

"Chat..." Marinette sighed. "We, can't."

"Why not?" He asked, his voice becoming softer.

"It puts everyone at risk. If we know, then it won't be long before Hawk Moth catches on. Not to mention if somehow either of us were to be akumatized, we would give away our identities without meaning to." Marinette sighed. "I can't let him get to my family."

"I understand." He sighed, going silent.

They didn't talk much after that. Marinette wasn't even sure if he was there any longer. She remembered that Tikki had told her that for the sake of this world, it wouldn't hurt to let him know who she was. But there were too many consequences that went along with that. 

Marinette found a small manhole after a great deal of walking. She was able to break through and climb out in the middle of the street. It was certainly the most awkward thing she had to do, facing the small crowd of people around her. Marinette managed to sneak into an alleyway, and ran off to master Fu's place. 

"Marinette, I told you I could no longer do this. Why have you come?" He asked.

"No time to explain. I need a miraculous, and I need to find Chloe!" Marinette explained, rushing towards the miracle box.

"Are you sure this is wise?" He asked.

"I will return it when I am done, I promise." She picked up a small red bracelet. "Which one is this?"

"The miraculous of the dragon. It grants the power of elements. The wearer can control water, fire, or wind. But only once." Master Fu shut the box. "I believe it is the right one for you."

"Thank you, Master." Marinette bowed. When she stood back up, she put the bracelet on. A tingling sensation spread across her skin as the Dragon Kwami appeared in a ball of light before her. 


"I said twenty-four karat gold, not twenty-two!" Chloe threw her picture frame down the stairs. "First you messed it up on Valentine's day, Now again?! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!"

The blonde stormed back up the stairs in anguish. She wanted to scream, but it was unladylike. So instead she threw a temper tantrum in her bedroom. Complaining about how no one appreciated her enough to actually give her a second thought, and get her something she had specifically asked for. They were fools after all!

"Pollen? Pollen where are you!" Chloe started throwing pillows around her room in search of the kwami. "I want to get out of here! No one loves me! WHERE ARE YOU YOU LITTLE BRAT!"

"I am terribly sorry my queen." Pollen rose from behind a silken couch. 

"There you are! Now, tell me what the words were to transform again? I need to be the queen bee!" Chloe stomped her foot.

Wings ~ Miraculous AU Where stories live. Discover now