Identities are gone and their hope not for long

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Did I just reveal their identities in chapter 18? Yes. Yes, I did. Why did I wait so long? Because the show is taking forever to do it. I mean come on guys. And also every other fanfiction I've read is all like, "OMG I'm about to detransform!" Ladybug. "Oh no! We totally don't have time to hide!" Chat Noir. "Guess we gotta find out!" LadyBug. "Yep, we have absolutely no other alternative like closing our eyes or running off or anything." ChatNoir. "Omg, it's you! Adrien, I lOoOoOoOoOoOoOvE you!" LadyBug. "Yeah, let's make out." Chat Noir. *Starts making out in broad daylight and then start dating to get Chloe mad and then the actual story starts*

So yeah that's why I made you wait. Also, I wanted like... and an actual story to happen. (This is why I write fanfiction not read it)

Anyways I'm done now thank you for those of you who weren't lazy and actually read all that. ON WITH THE STORY!

Marinette eventually was able to get up, letting go of his embrace. She looked at him in disbelief for a while before he actually said something, pulling her back into reality. 

"I'm honestly surprised you still recognized me in the fake Chat Noir costume. How didn't you see that before?" He chuckled, taking off the dollar store mask and ears. Marinette squeaked in surprise. 

"I... I don't know. I just kinda wasn't really paying attention to you on the tower... Before it split in half." She rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "Ooh! I have some cookies in my purse in case your kwami needs refueling." 

She rummaged through her bag and pulled out three sugar cookies with colorful frosting. She handed one to Adrien, Tikki, and Longg. Adrien gave the cookie to Plagg who was most certainly displeased it wasn't cheese. The cat ate it anyways. 

"So what now?" Adrien asked.

"I don't know. We still need to warn Rena and Carapace about Vopina, and stop the Underground ambush." She rubbed her chin. 

"I can't believe I didn't know it was you," Adrien said, completely off track. Marinette looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 

"I didn't expect you too. That was one of the reasons I let Chat Noir get so close to Marinette." She winked.

"And the other reason?" Adrien questioned. Marinette felt the blood rush to her cheeks and her body stiffen. 

"O-oh its n-nothing. I-I'll tell ya mater... I mean LATER!" She stammered, then silently cursed to herself. Adrien looked a little disheartened. 

"Alright then. Plagg, you ready?" He asked his kwami.

"Do I look ready. I'm trying to eat this disgusting sugar! No offense Marinette, if you had handed it to me it would have been delicious. But Adrien got his disgusting grubby hands all over MY food and now it tastes like sugar." Plagg huffed. 

"It's supposed to taste sugary," Marinette said quietly. 

"Oh? Well, then Adrien contaminated it with the COVID-19." Plagg said with a mouthful of cookie. 

"You can't really taste that." Adrien sighed. "And I'm coronavirus free you idiot."

"You are? Then why is Gabriel going nutty about isolating you more than ever before?" 

"So I don't get the coronavirus," Adrien said. "And that was like... forever ago."

"It was? Huh, well time flies." He said and finished his pastry. 

"Longg," Marinette addressed. The dragon kwami looked up at her. "Return to master Fu, please. He will need protection without Wayzz." The kwami nodded and flew off into the blood-red skies. 

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