It's no one to Blame, that Paris is up in Flame

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A/N Hey guys sorry about vanishing! I was getting used to online schooling which is really weird because... well you probably already know. Highschool lemme just say sucks. And it's even worse when it's online and you have to teach yourself everything. I'm so sorry for all the seniors of both college and high school, and that you won't get the normal school year you deserved. Prom? Canceled. Music concerts? Canceled. A graduation ceremony? Canceled. Sports? Canceled. I'm so sorry, may you receive endless love and gratitude for making it so far in life!

As LadyBug and the unnamed Bee flew over the city skyline, it was apparent that something else was beginning to arise. Nothing they could see or smell but could hear. The sound of feet trampling the earth, guns, and bullets, perhaps miles and miles away from Paris. They heard the foghorn of a warship nearing the Dover Straight, the pass between England and France. The sounds weren't crystal clear, in fact it was so far out they shouldn't have heard it. But it was as if their hearts took notice of the threat coming straight for Paris, and now it was utterly apparent that they may not sleep well for a very long time. 

"So I've been thinking of a name for myself." Violet interrupted the loud silence. 

"Already? And now of all times?" Ladybug said a bit more harshly than she intended. Violet winced. 

"Well... yeah." She smiled sheepishly. "I want it to sound BA. And I LOVE Marvel, so I was thinking of the Wasp. You know, the cool chick version of AntMan?"

"Um... yeah." LadyBug managed a smile but she was hardly able to focus. Somewhere, Chat Noir was hiding from the world with his true identity on the loose. He may already have lost hope and gone home. He may still be underground! LadyBug's heart felt like it was a tight knot of worry and frustration. 

"You're a Marvel fan?!" Violet now the Wasp exclaimed. 

"Yep, and so's Chat Noir. Wanna know how I know? He literally compares every villain to a ripoff of some Marvel villain." LadyBug put her mind at ease. 

"Holy cheese balls that amazing!"

"Not really when you hear it every three seconds." LadyBug laughed. 

"Why not DC?" Wasp asked.

"Eh, the comics were good." LadyBug shrugged. "And I like the shows."

"OOH! Like the Flash?!" Wasp giggled. 

"I got to season three." LadyBug smiled. Her expression suddenly hardened as she saw the electric pulses swarming around the Eiffel tower. "There he is. Electro."

"Like Spider Man's Villian?" Wasp pointed out. LadyBug facepalmed.

"Why are you and Chat exactly the same?" She groaned. "Anyways, don't let him touch water, or metal, or anything really that could be a conductor. And don't let him get near you! The guy can teleport so watch out."

"He stole your miraculous... didn't he?" Wasp's mood changed. LadyBug nodded coldly. 

"And Chats. We need to get them back and find Chat Noir before that guy gets them to HawkMoth." LadyBug continued.

"Why hasn't he taken them already?" Violet said as the landed on a building, crouching down as to not be seen. 

"Because he knows that I got the others, which is why he's waiting at the Eiffel tower." LadyBug grabbed her dragon-themed yoyo at her waist. They heard footsteps behind them, and LadyBug already knew who it was. "Rena Rouge, Carapace, get down!"

The turtle and fixed themed heroes crouched below, next to LadyBug. They both looked excited, worried, carried, and confident all at the same time.

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