One little call, so they won't fall

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The top artwork is by my good friend 0lonertromboner0

Marinette pulled up the face time app, and scrolled through her contacts. Her heart was beating faster and past, palms are sweaty. Knees weak, arms are heavy. She felt like vomiting on her sweater, mom's spaghetti. She was nervous, but on the surface looked calm and ready.

Marinette found her own email, a system her and Tikki had come up with a while ago in an emergency. Except it was designed to work the other way. She pressed call, and the phone began to rumble a noise, emitting that a obnoxious ringing sensation we all know and hate. A few seconds had passed and Tikki picked up. Well, Marinette assumed she did because her call was answered.

"Marinette?" Tikki's voice asked. She was most likely hovering in front of Marinette's computer, but Marinette couldn't see her. After all, Kwami's cannot be seen by camera.

"Tikki! There's and Akuma and Chat is unconscious and I really need to turn into ladybug right now!" Marinette sputtered.

"Huh?" A voice grumbled below her. Marinette looked down to see Chat was waking up.

"Oh uh.. hehe, I was saying we need l-ladybug r-right a-a-about now." Marinette fumbled on her own words. Chat groaned, still barely comprehending her words as he tried to stand up. Marinette redirected her attention to her phone, but Tikki had hung up.she could only hope the kwami understood her situation.

"Who was that?" Chat wondered.

"Uh.... the... school..?" Marinette lied.

"Huh. We need to get out of here. Electro will be here looking for me soon." Chat stretched just arms, soar from impact on the ground.

"N-n-no! You just fell thousands of feet from the sky, through a roof, and made a mini crater in the ground! You need to rest." Marinette tutted.

"Lady bug isn't here, and neither are any of the other miraculous holders. We can't wait any longer." Chat unfolded his wings, which revealed his bloody back. Marinette went to say something but chat interrupted her. "Don't say 'Your hurt!' And then rush around me to make sure I'm ok, because that's to cliche for this story. I already and aware my back is cut open, I can feel it. It's fine, really, now I'm going to put you in a safe place and leave you dramatically."

"W-what?" Marinette stammered.

"You heard me. @MarvelousPeterParker is to lazy to right a scene like that for us." Chat Noir raised his chin slightly, as if looking up at god. Marinette raised an eyebrow.

"Chat what are you talking about?" She asked.

"The author." He whispered softly. "She's lazy."

"Was This scene not just as much work and provided no dialogue for this story?"

"Shshshshhsh!" Chat hushed her. "Do not speak of our creator that way." He then made his way towards the exit. They both decided to forget about that painful conversation to write.

Chat took Marinette outside in the rain, shielding her with his wings. She thought he was just being a dork though.

"You'll have to get home by yourself. I need to find the Spider-Man ripoff." Chat reopened his wings. Marinette flinched, seeing the blood upon his spine once again.

"Be careful." She mumbled, reaching for his hand. He gripped hers tightly, making her only more attached to the feline.

"I will. Now go!" Chat said, letting go of her hand. He started running away, dramatically just like he had said he would do.


"Tikki!" Marinette gasped as she found the kwami Above the streets. They made eye contact, and met in an alley.

"You should be glad I didn't go to bed, or you would be in real trouble." Tikki huffed.

"I'm sorry Tikki. We need to hurry."

"You ow me a cookie." Tikki crosses her arms.

"Don't I always." Marinette rolled her eyes. "Tikki, SPOTS ON!" In a flash of light she was the suited heroine. She examined herself, as if not sure she was really alive. This night was just too weird. She looked at her wing, and almost fell over seeing as it was completely normal. "Ok..." she gathered herself in shock.

Ladybug stood up, flexing her fingers. She spread her beautiful dove wings hesitantly. She was still unsure if they could fly, or if they would ever again.

She ran out of the alley and took flight. She flew above the streets of Paris in the rain, feeling each drop soak into her feathers. It would not be wise to stay airborne for long, if her wings were to soak up the rain like a sponge, as Chat Noirs had, she and him were both doomed.

A flash of lightning stroked the sky like a paint brush on a black canvas, painting a violent picture, then erasing itself completely. Electro was there, she could sense it. She flew faster to where the sight had occurred. Chat and Electro were dueling in the sky. Chat throwing insults and puns while electro was beating him up.

"Yeah I think spider man's villain is much, oof, more intimidating." He said, receiving a punch to the face.

"CHAT!" Ladybug called out. He turned to her with a face of praise, bearing a smile stretched from ear to ear. It almost distracted her from his bruises. "The suits are supposed to be indestructible!"

"Oh yeah, I'm well aware." Chat grimaced as electro tossed him around in the air like Hulk and Loki.

"Need help?"

"No. I have every thing under control. OF COURSE I NEED HELP!" Chat but electro's finger. Ladybug rolled her eyes and spun her yo-yo at electro. The villain vaporized, and lightning crushed the ground behind her. She spun on her heels to see he had appeared there. He moved so fast, like quicksilver, grabbing her throat.

Chat extended his baton and whacked electro in the eye. He dropped ladybug, who instantly seized the moment to tie his feet together with her yo-yo. She tugged the string to throw him off balance, causing a cascade of disaster.

He went up in sparks, electricity flowing within his veins, travelling her conductor of a yo-yo, and electrifying her. Her grip tightened to the string, unable to relax her muscles.

"Oh your asking for it!" Chat screamed. "CATACLYSM!"

Ladybug couldn't stop him as Chat charged electro, hand aimed for the pendent on Electro's chest. Electro easily dodged, tightening the string between himself and ladybug, which was now a trip wire. Chat stumbled over it, falling to the ground. The cement crumbled around his feet.

Electro disappeared, appearing several feet away. "I'm disappointed really. Hawkmoth made it sound hard." He flicked his wrist. "Enjoy the sewers. Oh and-" He shot forward, before the hero's again at the speed of light. "I'll be taking these." He snatched Ladybug's earrings, and chats ring, to fast to stop before he vanished with the jewels.

The cement gave in, ladybug and chat plunging into the sewers below.

Why hello there. It is me, the author. Sorry I pulled a disappearing act, but I have returned as I promised. Also, cliff hanger Hehehehe.

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