A Certain Wasp gets Lost

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Ok, first things first, I apologize for not updating since April. Its been like 3 weeks. As you all know, online school is amazing (That was sarcastic). I knew finals were coming up so I planned to update some time during or before last week. And then Wattpad deleted the entire chapter before it was finished. After that, I was procrastinating to the point where now I am on the last week of school, where the pressure is high, updating this story because I love you guys. You probably forgot what even happened in the last part hehe.

Also, I made the pic up top and it has nothing to do with the story :) And it's unfinished because I never finished shading/lighting Chat Blanc


Except Paris wasn't alone. Alya and Nino were gone, resting at home. Ladybug and ChatNoir were flying across the country at incredible speed. And Vopina was planning her reign of chaos.

Violet stumbled out of a trash can. Why was she in there? Well, she was waiting for further instructions from LadyBug while sitting on the edge of a building, when her jewel, the barret in her hair, began to beep. Her suit suddenly vanished so she dove into a trash can.  It was the only way to keep her identity a secret.  

So here she was, in all here meme lord glory.  Smelling like garbage, looking like garbage, and crawling out of garbage.  To be honest, she had no idea what was happening with LadyBug, Chat, Rena, or Carapace.  She didn't even know about Vopina!  But something in the air other than her fowl odor told her something was off. 

"Pollen?"  she asked hesitantly and the kwami flew out of an empty egg carton. 

"Yes, my queen-" Pollen looked at her miraculous holder who was absolutely disgusting. "Ew"

"Yeah, I know it's disgusting."  Violet waved her off.  "We need to find the others.  I think something bad is happening."

"You could say that again.  Your pajamas are ruined!"  Pollen exclaimed.  Violet looked down at her hello kitty bottoms and loose Deadpool themed T-Shirt.  Both stained from some foul liquid she didn't really want to picture in her mind.  And her shirt smelled like Barbeque Sauce.

"I'm sorry Deadpool..."  Violet ripped off the shirt over her head. 

"Violet no! Someone will see you!"

"Relax. It's the middle of the night, no one will-"  Violet began until she made eye contact with a stranger passing the alleyway.  The stranger was frozen mid-walk, in shock and surprise.  Violet covered herself, seeing as she wasn't wherein the best form of underclothing because there was no underclothing. 

She slowly slipped her shirt back on, never breaking eye contact with the stranger. 

"SHOO!"  Pollen said and flew up to his face.  The man let out a blood-curdling screen after seeing the Bee like creature, dropping all his things and running for the hills. 

"Ok, guess I can't get a new shirt."  Violet sighed.  "Maybe w should go home."

"Uh.... no."  Pollen stated flatly. 

"Uh.... yes? I'm too lazy to find out what is so off-putting about tonight. Besides, I'm way less experienced then LadyCug and the others."  Violet admitted.

"No, you're not.  You have the buildings of a strong woman, a super-"

"No, I don't,"  Violet said sourly, grabbing the slight pudge around her waist.  "I eat bagels all day, and I try to work out but I love bagels and McDonald's way too much." 


"And I'm bloated from the ice cream I ate earlier."  Violet continued.  "I'm seriously no WonderWoman or BlackWidow."

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