A sleeping woman and a man inhuman

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This chapter looks kinda rough as I was typing it on my phone with no service. So here goes nothing!

After flying peacefully over the shaken city of Paris, Ladybug and her friends had made it to the Agreste mansion. And by "her friends" she really meant Chat Noir, while Wasp, well, Violet stayed on the phone with her. Lila wasn't doing anything suspicious. In fact the girl seemed a bit restless and uneasy after she came back to reality. Scared even. But that fox like girl was an incredible actor, and could make anyone believe just what she wanted to get her way. It didn't help that she was from the Underground, her lies fueled by un attended rage, which had lead to where they were now.

But now, standing at the Agreste Mansion, Ladybug had almost forgotten why they were here. Another possible lie created by the "wonderful" Lila Rossi. But if it was a lie, it was a good one. It was one Ladybug just had to check on, because it seemed so real.

Chat was completely against the idea, of course. Ladybug, now new he was Adrien. She terrible wanted to get this all over with so she could actually get some time with him. She wanted to apologize for being such a terrible partner, always holding back her feelings and ignoring his. Of course, both of them had known for what seemed like forever. But the fact that she new the boy behind the mask made it seem so much more bizarre.

She wanted to hug him, hold him in her arms. She wanted to fix everything for him, and protect him at all costs. But now, that may not happen for a long time.

"Where do you think he would be, Adrien?" She instantly regretted saying his name, for she knew it brought a twinge or pain to the poor Chat Noir. Saying his name agnelages the fact that they were actually hunting down his father, and she felt terribly sorry.

"I don't know." He said flatly which only made her feel even worse. "He's always kept everything secret from me."

"I..." Ladybug hesitated for a moment, thinking of the right words to say, "I'm sorry mon chaton. I never really new much about your father to begin with. I always new he could be rather... strict. But-"

"It's fine." He cut her off. "It only matters that he's Hawkmoth now, doesn't it?"

"Chat that's not what I meant." She began.

"Well, it's why we're here right?" He said in the same monotone voice as before. He looked at her with his cat like eyes. "At least that actually caught your attention." His words felt harsh, and she felt a twinge if guilt.

"Chat I'm trying to save Paris, and... us." Ladybug stated as a matter of fact like. She paused, and bit her lower lip tenderly. "I just, I want to be sure. More of just closure for myself. I never believe Lila, not after everything she's done. But Adrien it-"

"Makes sense? I know. I've always been thinking about it." He said, looking down at his familiar house. "It keeps me up at night, thinking that it possibly could be my own father, outing innocent people in danger, and almost killing me nearly every single day. It hurts even more, thinking that he would be ok with it."

"Hmmm," she gently grabbed his lower hawk's wing. He flinched at first, but eventually relaxed himself as she began to stroke his feathers calmly. "You know, the odds of your dad of all people being Hawkmoth is very slim. And he is a good man Adrien, I look up to him you know."

"You, you look up to him?" Chat sounded surprised.

"Yeah, but I've had my suspicions. Nothing to strong though." She said, slowly wrapping an arm around Chat's shoulders. She just wanted to comfort him. Chat hugged her, which took he off guard. But eventually, she hugged him back with a precious smile.

"I'm sorry." He sighed as he pulled away, placing his hands in hers.

"About what?" She asked.

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